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Structure Builder cheat sheet

The Structure Builder is a powerful – but complex – set of methods. There are a few commonly used methods which you are likely to need in your projects, and they are presented here in quick copy-and-paste friendly form.


Structure Builder can do so much more than the examples on this page show.

Get a deeper understanding of Structure Builder by reading the introduction guide and API Reference documentation to configure initial value templates and more.

In order to use these code examples you will need to configure the structureTool plugin in your sanity.config.ts file like below:

// ./sanity.config.ts

import {structure} from './structure'

export default defineConfig({
  // ...all other settings
  plugins: [
    structureTool({ structure }),
    // ...all other plugins

All document schema types

Your imported structure configuration should have the following set up at a minimum: A list, with a title, and an array passed into items().

The following examples you will paste into this root-level items() method.

// ./structure/index.ts

import type {StructureResolver} from 'sanity/structure'

export const structure: StructureResolver = (S) =>
    S.documentTypeListItems() // <= example code goes here
documentTypeListItems() renders a document list for every document schema type in your workspace

Filtered list of all document schema types

The documentTypeListItems method from above will render a list for every document schema type that is registered in the Studio config. Used together with some clever filtering, this method alone will take you a long way in setting up your document type list to your preference.

In the example below, the siteSettings document schema type is filtered out, but all other document types would be listed. Then we insert a divider, and finally the siteSettings schema document list is manually inserted.

// ./structure/index.ts

import type {StructureResolver} from 'sanity/structure'

export const structure: StructureResolver = (S) =>
      // list all document types except 'siteSettings'
(item) => item.getId() !== 'siteSettings',
S.divider(), // then add the 'sideSettings' type separate
'Site settings',
In this example "Site settings" is filtered out of the default list, and manually placed below a dividing line

All documents of a specific type

documentTypeListItem() is a “batteries included” method for showing a list of documents of a given type. Works great for showing complete lists of documents with a custom title. A common usage would be wanting to pluralize the type name in the title.


This would be inserted into the items method like this:

// ./structure/index.ts

import type {StructureResolver} from 'sanity/structure'

export const structure: StructureResolver = (S) =>
documentTypeListItem returns an unfiltered list of all documents of this type

A note on more complex examples

As these examples grow more complicated, you may wish to exact them into “helper functions” so they can be more easily be reused.

Also, going forth, assume the example code is to be inserted into the array passed into the root level items(), as we will exclude the boilerplate code for brevity.

// ./structure/index.ts

import type {StructureResolver} from 'sanity/structure'

export const structure: StructureResolver = (S) =>
// ⬇ From now on, we will just show this bit
// ⬆ Replace this with the example code

Filtered lists of documents

To show documents of a single type, with an additional GROQ filter applied, you will first need to create a listItem which has a documentList as its child. The document list must have an API version if it contains a filter.

These lists are “static” because the values being passed into the filter are known ahead of time.

  .title(`English lessons`)
.title(`English lessons`) .schemaType('lesson')
.filter('_type == "lesson" && language == "en"'),
This filtered list only shows a subset of documents that satisfy the filter

You may choose to map over an array of items and use a params method to modify the results of each filtered list.

const languages = [
  {id: 'en', title: 'English'},
  {id: 'es', title: 'Spanish'},

languages.map((language) =>
    .title(`${language.title} lessons`)
        .title(`${language.title} lessons`)
.filter('_type == "lesson" && language == $language')
.params({language: language.id}),
Multiple, unique filtered lists have been created by mapping over an array

Dynamic filtered lists of documents

Say you have a document type post which has an array of references to the document type category.

In the example below are unfiltered document lists to show all documents of those types, and then a top level list of all category documents, but instead of rendering those documents as a child element, the ID of each document is used to create a filtered list of every post type document that has a reference to that category.

  .title('Posts By Category')
      .title('Posts by Category')
      .child((categoryId) =>
          .filter('_type == "post" && $categoryId in categories[]._ref')
Here a list of category documents is used to create filtered lists of post documents that have that category

You may also want to check out this guide on parent child relationships for a more complex setup which includes initial value templates so that new documents created within these lists have filtered values preset.

Grouped and nested document lists

Some document types may not need to be accessed as often and so to reduce visual noise may be better grouped together into a single menu item.

        S.documentTypeListItem('siteSettings').title('Site Settings'),
These three document lists have been placed within a parent list item

Singleton documents

The structure builder is how you create “singleton” documents with a predetermined ID in Sanity Studio. To create an item with the correct icon, and the narrower height which list items have (compared to the taller height of a document item) the code example below wraps the editor() method in a list item of its own. It should inherit the correct icon of the document schema type, and when clicked create or edit a document with the provided ID.

  .title('Site Settings')
This list item does not render a document list, it shows a single document that contains the ID determined in the structure configuration

Custom Structure by user role

The structure configuration contains a second parameter – context – which contains all sorts of valuable information about the current state of the Studio. Including the logged in user and their roles.

In this example, a different set of items is displayed to an Administrator than a user of any other roles.

import type {StructureResolver} from 'sanity/structure'

export const structure: StructureResolver = (S, context) =>
      context.currentUser?.roles.find((role) => role.name === 'administrator')
        ? [
            S.documentTypeListItem('siteSettings').title('Site Settings'),
        : [
If the logged-in user was not an Administrator, they would not be shown the divider or "Site Settings" list

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