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Compare document versions

The document comparison view in Sanity Studio provides a side-by-side view of different document versions.

Use the document comparison view to compare document versions. This includes drafts, published, and release versions. To get started, open a document in Sanity Studio that contains multiple document versions.

  1. In the top left right corner of the document view, select the "..." icon.
  2. Next, select "Compare versions".
Select the "Compare versions" option from the "..." menu.

The document comparison view appears over your studio window. It contains a version selection at the top, and two panels that correspond to each document version on the left and right.


This view only works when multiple document versions exist. If you don't see the option, ensure that changes are made to a draft or release version in addition to the published version.

The document comparison panel.

Differences between the fields in the right version are highlighted in yellow. You may recognize this from other history or "diff component" tools. In the screenshot above, the Overview field has a yellow highlight along the right edge indicating changes.

You can adjust the compared versions with the version selector at the top of the window.

The document selector enables you to change the version of each panel.


You cannot leave comments or tasks from within the selector. It's best to save major changes and workflows for the document view.

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