In order to activate the block content editor for Sanity Studio, you must make an array of blocks. In the schema, it looks like this in its simplest form:
title: 'Content',
name: 'content',
type: 'array',
of: [{type: 'block'}]
In other words, rich text is modeled as an array of content following the specification for Portable Text. What is stored in the database is an array of JSON objects describing the rich text content. This JSON data can later be used to produce HTML, React components, or other formats depending on the target requirements. This provides a lot of flexibility if you should later want to re-use your content across the web, apps, print, set-top-boxes, consoles, etc.
The block text type supports block styles, lists, decorators (bold, italic, etc.), custom content types (embedded objects), inline objects, and even marking up text with arbitrary object data (annotations). Learn more about how to configure the rich text editor.
You can't currently use block
as a standalone field outside of an array.
Value must be set to
. Also, blocks only make sense as member of an array, see examples below.REQUIREDnamestring
Required. The field name. This will be the key in the data record.
Human readable label for the field.
This defines which styles that applies to blocks. A style is an object with a title (will be displayed in the style dropdown) and a value, e.g.:
styles: [{title: 'Quote', value: 'blockquote'}]
. If no styles are given, the default styles are H1 up to H6 and blockquote. A style namednormal
is reserved, always included and represents "unstyled" text. If you don't want any styles, set this to an empty array e.g.:styles: []
What list types that can be applied to blocks. Like
above, this also is an array of "name", "title" pairs, e.g.:{title: 'Bullet', value: 'bullet'}
. Default list types arebullet
An object defining which
(array) and.annotations
(array) are allowed. See example below.ofarray
An array of inline content types that you can place in running text from the Insert menu.
To return an icon that is shown in the menus and the toolbar.
Short description to editors how the field is to be used.
boolean | function
If set to
, this field will be hidden in the studio. You can also return a callback function to use it as a conditional field.readOnlyboolean | function
If set to
, this field will not be editable in the content studio. You can also return a callback function to use it as a conditional field.componentsobject
Lets you provide custom components to override the studio defaults in various contexts. The components available are
.deprecated{ reason: String }
Marks a field or document type as deprecated in the studio interface and displays a user-defined message defined by the single required
property.If you deploy a GraphQL API schema, this property will translated into the
Enables or disables spellchecking in the Portable Text Editor. Defaults to
Learn more about validationrequired()function
Ensures that this field exists.
Creates a custom validation rule.
A block represents a single paragraph. To make sense, your blocks must live inside an array.
With no custom configuration, the block editor supports:
- Block styles: Normal, Heading 1 to Heading 6, and blockquotes
- Decorators: Strong, emphasis, code, underline and strikethrough
- Lists: bullet list and ordered list
- Link: An annotation that is an object with a
with typeurl
title: 'Rich text example',
name: 'myRichTextExample',
type: 'array',
of: [{type: 'block'}]
"myRichTextExample": [{
"style": "normal",
"_type": "block",
"markDefs": [],
"children": [
"_type": "span",
"text": "That was ",
"marks": []
"_type": "span",
"text": "bold",
"marks": [
"_type": "span",
"text": " of you.",
"marks": []
"style": "normal",
"_type": "block",
"markDefs": [],
"children": [
"_type": "span",
"text": "Amazing, actually.",
"marks": []
This defines a block array that can include both text, actors, and (inline) images.
title: 'Rich text',
type: 'array',
of: [
{type: 'block'},
{type: 'actor'},
{type: 'image', icon: myIcon}
The editor will now get an insertion (+
) icon in the text editor that can be used to insert actors or images as content blocks in the text. The data stored in the array for these objects are exactly as if they were in a regular array of objects, because they are.
These objects are embedded on the block level, but you may also need objects that appear inline with text useful for stuff like footnotes, ticker-symbols or sparklines. Add these to an array under the of
key in the block type object:
title: 'Rich text',
type: 'array',
of: [
type: 'block',
of: [
{type: 'footnote'}
Almost every aspect of the block editor and the content it produces is configurable. You may want to restrict certain types of decorators or add your own, use your own list styles, annotate text with custom data (e.g. a citation or reference), or support highlighted text.
You can add a component
property to a block, decorator, or annotation that contains callback functions to control how the content is rendered in the studio, and you can add an icon
property to render in the tool bar of the editor.
Note that customizations made in the studio will not affect how content is rendered elsewhere, such as your front end. That gets handled via portable text serialization.
name: 'customized',
title: 'Customized block type',
type: 'array',
of: [
type: 'block',
// ...
marks: {
decorators: [
{ title: "Strong", value: "strong" },
{ title: "Emphasis", value: "em" },
title: "Sup",
value: "sup",
icon: () => <div>x<sup>2</sup></div>,
component: ({ children }) => <sup>{children}</sup>
// ...
name: 'customized',
title: 'Customized block type',
type: 'array',
of: [
type: 'block',
// Only allow these block styles
styles: [
{title: 'Normal', value: 'normal'},
{title: 'H1', value: 'h1'},
{title: 'H2', value: 'h2'}
// Only allow numbered lists
lists: [
{title: 'Numbered', value: 'number'}
marks: {
// Only allow these decorators
decorators: [
{title: 'Strong', value: 'strong'},
{title: 'Emphasis', value: 'em'}
// Support annotating text with a reference to an author
annotations: [
{name: 'author', title: 'Author', type: 'reference', to: {type: 'author'}}
Looking to query for the occurence of a string in an array of blocks? Try *[pt::text(body) match "aliens"]
(where body
is the name of your array).