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Describes how to validate documents within the content studio

Sanity Studio allows you to specify validation rules on your document types and fields. Field-level validation is the most specific and gives the Studio a better chance to help the user understand where the validation failed and why, whereas the document-level validation provides slightly more control since it can validate based on the values of the entire document.

Each schema type has a set of built-in validation methods. See the schema type documentation for a detailed list →


Validation rules run in the Studio as an editor is working in a document. You can also validate multiple documents in bulk using the CLI.


Validation is defined by setting the validation property on a document type or field. It takes a function which receives a rule as the first argument. By calling methods on this rule, you add new validation modifiers. Here's an example which validates that a string field has a value and that the string is between 10 and 80 characters long:

  title: 'Title',
  name: 'title',
  type: 'string',
  validation: rule => rule.required().min(10).max(80)

Without the required() call, the title is also considered valid if it does not have a value.

Error levels and error messages

By default, values that do not pass the validation rules are considered errors - these will block the draft from being published until they have been resolved. You can also set a rule to be a warning, simply by calling warning() on the rule. Similarly, you can customize the error message displayed by passing a string to the warning() or error() method:

  title: 'Title',
  name: 'title',
  type: 'string',
  validation: rule => rule.max(50).warning('Shorter titles are usually better')

If you want to combine both warnings and errors in the same validation set, you can use an array:

  title: 'Title',
  name: 'title',
  type: 'string',
  validation: rule => [
    rule.required().min(10).error('A title of min. 10 characters is required'),
    rule.max(50).warning('Shorter titles are usually better')

Referencing other fields

Sometimes you may want to build a rule that is based on the value of a different field. By calling the rule.valueOfField method, you can achieve this.

  title: 'Start date',
  name: 'startDate',
  type: 'datetime',
  validation: rule => rule.required().min('2022-03-01T15:00:00.000Z')
  title: 'End date',
  name: 'endDate',
  type: 'datetime',
  validation: rule => rule.required().min(rule.valueOfField('startDate'))

Note however that it only allows referencing sibling fields. If you need to refer to things outside of this scope, you will have to use document-level validation.


rule.valueOfField() returns the literal value of a field, allowing you to validate that the end date is always equal to or greater than the start date (as in the previous example). However, it cannot be used for inserting a field value into conditional logic and creating a validation based on the result.

Custom validation

Sometimes you will need to validate values beyond what Sanity provides. The custom() method allows you to do this. It takes a function as the first argument, which should return either true (in the case of a valid value) or an error message as a string (in the case of an invalid value). You may also return a promise that resolves with one of those values, should you need to do asynchronous operations:

  name: 'location',
  type: 'geopoint',
  title: 'Location of bar',
  description: 'Required, must be in Norway',
  validation: rule =>
    rule.required().custom(geoPoint =>
            latitude: geoPoint.lat,
            longitude: geoPoint.lng
        .then(isWithinBounds => (isWithinBounds ? true : 'Location must be in Norway, somewhere'))

Please note that custom validators are also run on undefined values, unless the rule is explicitly set as optional by calling rule.optional(). This allows for conditionally allowing undefined values based on some external factor, with the slight drawback that you need to make sure your functions check for undefined values. Here's an example:

  name: 'breweryName',
  type: 'string',
  title: 'Brewery name',
  validation: rule => rule.custom(name => {
    if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
      return true // Allow undefined values
    // This would crash if we didn't check
    // for undefined values first
    return name.startsWith('Brew')
      ? 'Please be more creative'
      : true

Should you need to reference other fields from within the custom validator function, you can use the second argument (context) to the function:

  name: 'durationInMinutes',
  type: 'number',
  title: 'Duration of talk, in minutes',
  validation: rule => rule.custom((duration, context) => {
    const isShortTalk = duration && duration <= 10
    if (isShortTalk && context.document.talkType !== 'lightning') {
      return 'Only lightning talks should be 10 minutes or less'
    return true

You can also access the closest parent from the context, along with the path of the current element being validated.

Asynchronous validation using the client

If you want to base your rule on another part of your content, you can access the client via the validation context.

validation: (Rule) =>
  Rule.custom((value, context) => {
    const client = context.getClient({apiVersion: '2021-03-25'}).withConfiguration({perspective: 'previewDrafts'})
    // rest of your rule

Validating children

In certain cases, you may want to validate children of an object or array. In this case you can return an object containing a message and a paths property. Each path is an array of path segments leading to the child you want to flag as being the culprit. Let's say you want to disallow empty blocks/paragraphs in a portable text field:

  name: 'introduction',
  title: 'Introduction',
  type: 'array',
  of: [{type: 'block'}],
  validation: rule => rule.custom(blocks => {
    const emptyBlocks = (blocks || []).filter(
      block =>
        block._type === 'block' &&
        block.children.every(span =>
          span._type === 'span' &&
          span.text.trim() === ''
    const emptyPaths = emptyBlocks.map(
      (block, index) => [{_key: block._key}] || [index]

    return emptyPaths.length === 0
      ? true
      : {
          message: 'Paragraph cannot be empty',
          paths: emptyPaths

For each of the empty blocks we find, we collect the path to it, which can either be the _key property (preferably), or the array index if a key cannot be found.

Document level validation

Sometimes you want to validate a whole document rather than just specific fields in a document. To do this, you can give a document the validation property and access fields inside the document by passing a prop. In this example, the validation ensures that editors can't add a "Guest Author" and an "Author."

  name: 'post',
  type: 'document',
  title: 'Blog Post',
  validation: rule => rule.custom(fields => {
    if (fields.authors.length > 0 && Object.keys(fields.guest).length > 0) return "You can't have an author AND guest author"
    return true
  fields: [
    // ... 
      name: 'authors',
      title: 'Authors',
      type: 'array',
      of: [
          type: 'authorReference',
      name: 'guest',
      title: 'Guest Author',
      type: 'object',
      fields: [
        {name: 'name', type: 'string', title: 'Guest Author Name'},
        {name: 'site', type: 'string', title: 'Guest Author Site'},

Marking nested fields as invalid

Similar to the example in "Validating children" above, you can return an object to specify what field the message should apply to when using document level validation.

    name: 'post',
    type: 'document',
    title: 'Blog Post',
    validation: (rule) =>
        rule.custom((fields) => {
            if (
                fields.authors.length > 0 &&
                Object.keys(fields.guest).length > 0
                return {
                    message: "You can't have an author AND guest author",
                    path: ['guest'], // add keys to array for nested fields, ex ['guest', 'title'] for guest.title
            return true
    fields: [
        // ...
            name: 'authors',
            title: 'Authors',
            type: 'array',
            of: [
                    type: 'authorReference',
            name: 'guest',
            title: 'Guest Author',
            type: 'object',
            fields: [
                { name: 'name', type: 'string', title: 'Guest Author Name' },
                { name: 'site', type: 'string', title: 'Guest Author Site' },

Disabling validation

You can set validation: false in the schema on a document or a field to disable it.

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