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Content Source Maps

The Content Lake can enrich all queries with metadata describing the source (the document and attribute) of every content fragment retrieved in the query. This metadata is useful for tooling that runs on the front end and interprets this information to provide additional ways of interacting with the content for users: for example, displaying content provenance details for compliance reviewers, providing direct links to where to edit the content for editors, and even allowing in-line editing directly in the front-end experience.

This metadata is called Content Source Maps, and it follows the Content Source Maps specification. You can find details about the Content Source Maps specification in the official specification GitHub repository.

Further reading

If you want to see how to take advantage of content source maps in your frontends, please see the following articles:

To request a Content Source Map on a GROQ query, you need to pass the parameter resultSourceMap=true when you send your query to the Content Lake HTTP API. When you provide this parameter, the result of your query will include an additional element with the corresponding content source map.


Content Source Maps are supported only in versions 2021-03-25 or later of the Content Lake API.

For example, imagine these three documents exist in your dataset:

  • A document representing the author George Orwell
  "_id": "author-george-orwell-4c9f",
  "_type": "author",
  "died": "1950-01-21",
  "dob": "1903-05-25",
  "firstName": "George",
  "lastName": "Orwell"
  • Another document representing the book “Animal Farm” by author George Orwell (a reference to the document for this author above)
  "_id": "book-animal-farm-3856",
  "_type": "book",
  "description": "It tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer",
  "title": "Animal Farm",
  "author": {
    "_ref": "author-george-orwell-4c9f"
  • And another document representing the book “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by author George Orwell as well (as before, a reference to the first document above)
  "_id": "book-1984-12eb",
  "_type": "book",
  "description": "Nineteen Eighty-Four (also published as 1984) is a dystopian social science fiction novel and cautionary tale by English writer George Orwell.",
  "title": "Nineteen Eighty-Four",
  "author": {
    "_ref": "author-george-orwell-4c9f"

You can run the following GROQ query to obtain a consolidated view that provides the author's last name and a set with the names of the books they have written:

*[_type ==  'author'] {
  "authorName": lastName,
  "booksWritten": *[_type == 'book' && references(^._id)].title

If you run this query passing the resultSourceMap parameter (i.e. https://<project-id>.api.sanity.io/v2023-05-03/data/query/<dataset>?query=<GROQ-query>&resultSourceMap=true), the response will look like this:

  "result": [
      "authorName": "Orwell",
      "booksWritten": ["Nineteen Eighty-Four", "Animal Farm"]
  "resultSourceMap": {
    "documents": [
        "_id": "author-george-orwell-4c9f"
        "_id": "book-1984-12eb"
        "_id": "book-animal-farm-3856"
    "paths": ["$['lastName']", "$['title']"],
    "mappings": {
      "$[0]['authorName']": {
        "source": {
          "document": 0,
          "path": 0,
          "type": "documentValue"
        "type": "value"
      "$[0]['booksWritten'][0]": {
        "source": {
          "document": 1,
          "path": 1,
          "type": "documentValue"
        "type": "value"
      "$[0]['booksWritten'][1]": {
        "source": {
          "document": 2,
          "path": 1,
          "type": "documentValue"
        "type": "value"

Observe that the resultsSourceMap entry includes:

  • Under documents, a list of documents from where the content in the query results comes from, i.e.:
    • author document with id author-george-orwell-4c9f,
    • book document with id book-1984-12eb
    • and book document with id book-animal-farm-3856
  • Under paths, a list of the attribute names from where the content in the query results comes from, i.e.:
    • attribute name lastName(specified as "$['lastName']")
    • and attribute name title (specified as "$['title']")
  • Under mappings, a map where each entry indicates, for each element of the response, what document and path (attribute) from the lists above it comes from.

In this example:

"$[0]['authorName']": {
    "source": {
      "document": 0,
      "path": 0,
      "type": "documentValue"
    "type": "value"

The first map entry describes that in the first element in the response ($[0]), the attribute "authorName" (['authorName']) comes from (source:) the document in the first position of the “documents” set ("document": 0, which is author-george-orwell-4c9f ), and the attribute in the first position in the “paths” set ("path": 0, which is lastName); i.e. the value "authorName": "Orwell" in the response, comes from the document author-george-orwell-4c9f, and attribute lastName.

"$[0]['booksWritten'][0]": {
  "source": {
    "document": 1,
    "path": 1,
    "type": "documentValue"
  "type": "value"

The second map entry describes that in the first element in the response ($[0]), the attribute “booksWritten” (['booksWritten']), its first element ([0]) comes from (source:) the document in the second position of the “documents” set ("document": 1, which is book-1984-12eb ), and the attribute in the second position in the “paths” set ("path": 1, which is title); i.e. the value in the first element of booksWritten in the response (the string "Nineteen Eighty-Four"), comes from the document book-1984-12eb, and attribute title.

"$[0]['booksWritten'][1]": {
  "source": {
    "document": 2,
    "path": 1,
    "type": "documentValue"
  "type": "value"

The third map entry describes that in the first element in the response ($[0]), the attribute “booksWritten” (['booksWritten']), its second element ([1]) comes from (source:) the document in the third position of the “documents” set ("document": 2, which is book-animal-farm-3856), and the attribute in the second position in the “paths” set ("path": 1, which is title); i.e. the value in the second element of booksWritten in the response (the string "Animal Farm"), comes from the document book-animal-farm-3856, and attribute title.

GROQ compatibility


In the current version of the Content Source Maps capability, only the GROQ functions listed below will provide content source metadata in a query. Also note that the feature is currently only supported in the Content Lake, (i.e. implementations such as groq-js are not yet supported).



  • Attribute access traversal
  • Element access traversal
  • Slice traversal
  • Filter traversal
  • Array postfix traversal
  • Projection traversal
  • Dereference traversal


  • Select (partially supported: result only, for string and number type)
  • Conditional projection traversal (partially supported: result only, for string and number type)


  • Dereference


  • string (coercing) (partially supported: string(number) only)
  • lower
  • upper
  • pt::text()


Content Source Maps are supported in the Sanity GraphQL API v2023-08-01 and later. Read more about this in the GraphQL docs.

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