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How to submit authenticated requests.


If you are just going to read public documents, and edit them in the studio, you don't need to worry about authentication.

By default, unauthenticated users have read access to published documents (with certain exceptions). However, if you want to access draft documents or make modifications you will need to authenticate yourself as a project member with write access.

Sanity uses tokens for authentication, which are generated when you log in and then attached to all API requests in the HTTP Authorization header - e.g.:

Authorization: Bearer skE5UXUmBEy7U50jcG4In4v4xoHZTlduDxQYet8Y84tsTqAZxp2reIPJsA1JzqXJno2qcpauGwPfjHpU

The content studio handles this for you automatically when you log in, and the command-line tool will generate and store a personal token when you run sanity login.


Without intervention, personal tokens will last for one year (if using SAML SSO, the lifetime of the token is shorter). After logging out of the Sanity CLI, the subsequent login will generate a new personal token, and in doing so, invalidate the old one.

If you want to run authenticated API requests manually with e.g. curl, you can find your personal API token by running sanity debug --secrets, and look for the "Auth token" value under "Authentication". You then place this in an Authorization header:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://<project>.api.sanity.io/v2021-06-07/data/query/production?query=*


Your API token is personal, and gives complete access to the Sanity API as your user. Take care not to share it with anyone, and use robot tokens instead to authenticate from applications and third-party services.

Securing your API token

After setting up your token, it's important to keep this secure and not in a publicly-visible space -- such as GitHub or Bitbucket. When deploying code that needs your API token, many hosting companies provide ways of creating environment variables. These variables are stored securely on your host's server and are not stored in plain text in a repository.

Robot tokens

If you need to authenticate with the Sanity API from an application or third-party service, you should generate a dedicated robot token for it, with appropriate permissions. To create a robot token, open your project's management console, go to Settings > API > Tokens, and use the Add new token button to open the token creation dialog. Using a separate token for each application makes it easier to replace it or revoke access, if necessary.

Once a token is generated, it will be displayed exactly once - be sure to make a secure copy of it, since it is not possible to recover the token later (although you can create a new one). You can then use the token in API requests as outlined above.

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