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Initialize a new Sanity project or plugin

usage: sanity init

   Initialize a new Sanity studio project

  -y, --yes Use unattended mode, accepting defaults and using only flags for choices
  --project <projectId> Project ID to use for the studio
  --organization <organizationId> Organization ID to use for the project
  --dataset <dataset> Dataset name for the studio
  --dataset-default Set up a project with a public dataset named "production"
  --output-path <path> Path to write studio project to
  --template <template> Project template to use [default: "clean"]
  --bare Output only the project id and dataset to stdout
  --env <filename> Write environment variables to file [default: ".env"]
  --provider <provider> Login provider to use
  --visibility <mode> Visibility mode for dataset (public/private)
  --create-project <name> Create a new project with the given name
  --project-plan <name> Optionally select a plan for a new project
  --coupon <name> Optionally select a coupon for a new project (cannot be used with --project-plan)
  --no-typescript Do not use TypeScript for template files
  --package-manager Specify a package manager
  --no-auto-updates Disable auto updates of studio versions

  # Initialize a new project, prompt for required information along the way
  sanity init

  # Initialize a new project with a public dataset named "production"
  sanity init --dataset-default

  # Initialize a project with the given project ID and dataset to the given path
  sanity init -y --project abc123 --dataset production --output-path ~/myproj

  # Initialize a project with the given project ID and dataset using the moviedb
  # template to the given path
  sanity init -y --project abc123 --dataset staging --template moviedb --output-path .

  # Create a brand new project with name "Movies Unlimited"
  sanity init -y \
    --create-project "Movies Unlimited" \
    --dataset moviedb \
    --visibility private \
    --template moviedb \
    --output-path /Users/espenh/movies-unlimited

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