Document API
The document configuration API enables adding actions/badges to your studio, setting defaults for new documents, and defining a URL resolver.
actionsarray | DocumentActionComponent[]
Accepts an array of document action components, or a callback function that resolves to the same. The callback function receives the existing actions array as its first argument and a context object as its second. Read more about document actions.
badgesarray | DocumentBadgeComponent[]
Accepts an array of document badge components, or a callback function that resolves to the same. The callback function receives the existing badges array as its first argument and a context object as its second. Read more about document badges.
productionUrlstring | function
Constructs a production URL for previews or other purposes. Accepts a static string or a more helpful callback function called with the existing value as the first argument and a context object as the second.
If specified, an "Open preview" option in the document context menu of your studio.
newDocumentOptionsfunction | NewDocumentOptionsResolver
Accepts a callback function that returns an array of new document options templates. The callback is called with the array of existing templates and a context object as arguments. Read more about new document options.