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Image Metadata

This article takes a closer look at the types of metadata available for images, and the values they might return.

The metadata option for image fields warrants a closer look. It takes an array of strings describing which types of metadata Sanity should attempt to extract or generate from uploaded images and save alongside the asset. An example of an image field with every metadata option specified looks as follows:

      name: 'metaImage',
      title: 'Image with metadata',
      type: 'image',
      options: {
        metadata: [
          'blurhash',   // Default: included
          'lqip',       // Default: included
          'palette',    // Default: included
          'image',      // Default: not included
          'exif',       // Default: not included
          'location',   // Default: not included

There are three additional metadata options that are always included and cannot be disabled: dimensions, hasAlpha, and isOpaque. Specifying an invalid option in the metadata array—including any of those three terms—will throw an error.

The metadata fields fall into one of three "default behaviors": Always included, included by default, and not included by default. We'll look at each default setting and the metadata fields that adhere to it.


Metadata is added to your assets asynchronously after uploading! If your query for image metadata returns unexpectedly empty, wait a moment and try again!


Metadata is applied to an image asset when the image is uploaded and based on the schema settings at that time. If a metadata array is set to include exif or location data, changing the schema later will not remove those details. If removing those details is desired, you can do so with a script or using the Media browser plugin, among other options. Likewise, adding options to the metadata array will not add those details to images previously uploaded.

Dimensions, Alpha Channel, and Opaqueness

Always included

These values are always available and you do not need to ask for them. In fact, they are not valid options in the options.metadata array so including them will throw an error.


hasAlpha will return true if the image has an alpha channel, even if unused.


isOpaque returns true if the image is fully opaque (i.e., has no transparency).


The dimensions object contains the numeric values: aspectRatio, height, and width, which together describe the physical features of the image. A photo taken in portrait mode might yield the following payload:

  "dimensions" : {
    "_type": "sanity.imageDimensions",
    "aspectRatio": 0.75,
    "height": 4032,
    "width": 3024

Placeholders and Colors

Included by default

These values are available by default. If you don't ask for any metadata at all (that is, if you don't specify a metadata array), you will get these values. Beware though: If you do specify a metadata array and explicitly leave these out, they will not be returned.

lqip and blurHash

Sanity will generate low-fidelity representations of your images automatically. These are useful for creating placeholders for loading images in your front end. These downsampled previews come in two different flavors: LQIP and blurhash.

LQIP (Low-Quality Image Preview) is a 20-pixel wide version of your image (height is set according to aspect ratio) in the form of a base64-encoded string and can be used as-is in your front end, as shown below. A typical value for lqip might look like this:

"lqip": ""

And can be used like this:

			The LQIP value is actual image data
			encoded into a base64-string which can be 
			used directly as the src property of an img tag!
			Remember to set the height and width 
			properties, though, or it'll be very small
      src="[...50 lines of this stuff omitted for brevity...]Jggg=="

BlurHash is a more advanced method of creating a lightweight image preview that can give a superior result and comes in a more concise format. The trade-off is that you'll need to decode the value using a helper library before use. A blurHash value might look something like this:

"blurHash" : "d79Z$I-o4:IoxaofR*WC00Io?GxtM{Rkt7s:~VxaNGRk"

Example of use in a JavaScript project:

import { decode } from "blurhash";

const pixels = decode("LEHV6nWB2yk8pyo0adR*.7kCMdnj", 32, 32);

const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);


Sanity will generate a color palette by analyzing your image. Along with the dominant swatches, a collection of suggestions for colors that contrast nicely with them is returned, as well as a numeral indication of how prominently each color is represented in the image. A palette object might look like:

  "_type": "sanity.imagePalette",
  "darkMuted": {
    "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
    "background": "#653a2d",
    "foreground": "#fff",
    "population": 3.8,
    "title": "#fff"
  "darkVibrant": {
    "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
    "background": "#c4850b",
    "foreground": "#fff",
    "population": 0.08,
    "title": "#fff"
  "dominant": {
    "_type": "sanity.imagePaletteSwatch",
    "background": "#d5c3ba",
    "foreground": "#000",
    "population": 7.17,
    "title": "#fff"
  "lightMuted": {
		// [...] truncated for brevity
  "lightVibrant": {
		// [...] truncated for brevity
  "muted": {
		// [...] truncated for brevity
  "vibrant": {
		// [...] truncated for brevity


If lqip, blurHash, or palette values are absent from your image asset, it's likely that at the time the image was uploaded, a metadata array was specified and the value in question was not included in the array.

Camera and Location

Excluded by default

These values are not included in your image metadata unless a metadata array is specified and these values are specifically requested. This is because camera and location data generally contain private or identifying information.


This field contains basic information about the image such as camera make and model, resolution, and orientation. For more detailed information, use the exif field. The following is an example readout:

  "_type": "sanity.imageExifTags",
  "Make": "Apple",
  "Model": "iPhone 6",
  "Orientation": 1,
  "XResolution": 72,
  "YResolution": 72,
  "ResolutionUnit": 2,
  "Software": "Photos 1.0",
  "ModifyDate": Sat Feb 28 2015 17:13:57 GMT-0800 (PST),
  "ExifOffset": 198,
  "GPSInfo": 1008


Short for Exchangeable Image File format, this field contains information about the image file itself and the conditions under which it was produced – typically camera settings. Exactly what data is contained here depends on the origins of the file. Below is an example readout of the Exif object for a photo taken with an iPhone camera:

  "_type": "sanity.imageExifMetadata",
  "ApertureValue": 1.6959938128383605,
  "BrightnessValue": 1.7619172145845785,
  "DateTimeDigitized": "2020-03-19T12:25:17.000Z",
  "DateTimeOriginal": "2020-03-19T12:25:17.000Z",
  "ExposureBiasValue": 0,
  "ExposureMode": 0,
  "ExposureProgram": 2,
  "ExposureTime": 0.020833333333333332,
  "FNumber": 1.8,
  "Flash": 16,
  "FocalLength": 4.25,
  "FocalLengthIn35mmFormat": 26,
  "ISO": 250,
  "LensMake": "Apple",
  "LensModel": "iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8",
  "LensSpecification": [
  "MeteringMode": 5,
  "PixelXDimension": 4032,
  "PixelYDimension": 3024,
  "SceneCaptureType": 0,
  "SensingMethod": 2,
  "ShutterSpeedValue": 5.586024712398807,
  "SubSecTimeDigitized": "900",
  "SubSecTimeOriginal": "900",
  "SubjectArea": [
  "WhiteBalance": 0


This field, as you might expect, returns geographical data, usually representing the coordinates where the photo was taken. It conforms to the specification of the geopoint schema type, and might look like this:

  "_type": "geopoint",
  "alt": 168.32554596241746,
  "lat": 59.948811111111105,
  "lng": 10.867780555555557

In conclusion

Image assets in your Sanity Content Lake may include a range of helpful metadata.

  • Always included: Essential facts about your image: height, width, aspect ratio, and information about transparency.
  • Included by default: Useful information generated from the image on upload: minified placeholders and palette values.
  • Excluded by default: Potentially private information about the place and circumstances under which the image was created: exif and location values.

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