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URL Format

tl;dr: <projectId>.api.sanity.io/<version>/<path>

Take this generic document query URL:


Each project has its own private hostname, which is always <projectId>.api.sanity.io for requests and <projectId>.apicdn.sanity.io for the API CDN (cache) endpoint. The path (what comes after the hostname) is always preceded by the API version (you can set the present ISO date, YYYY-MM-DD, for the latest version) then the path to the API endpoint. So, to sum it up, these are the URL prefixes:

  • API: https://<projectId>.api.sanity.io/v<YYYY-MM-DD>/<path>
  • API CDN: https://<projectId>.apicdn.sanity.io/v<YYYY-MM-DD>/<path>

In the rest of this document we will generally only refer to the <path> part of the URL.

Note about the API CDN

The API CDN only supports the /data/query path—its purpose being to cache query results across the globe for the benefit of your end users.

How do I find my project ID?

In a configured studio, you find the project ID in the sanity.json file at the root of your project. Otherwise, you can always find it by locating your project on https://manage.sanity.io or running sanity debug in the terminal in your studio folder.

URL encoding

For clarity, we have opted to write URLs with their component in cleartext. In actual use they will all have to be encoded (using encodeURIComponent or equivalent) so that this:

https://zp7mbokg.api.sanity.io/v2021-06-07/data/query/production?query=*[_id == $id]&$id="myId"

Becomes this:



If you encode a URL that contains more than just a query string (i.e., it includes params as well), encodeURIComponent() will encode the & between query and your params, which is probably not what you want. Consider encoding the query and parameter strings separately or using encodeURI() instead.

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