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Structure Tool API

How to use the Structure Tool API to configure your structure tool(s).

The Structure Tool is a top-level view within Sanity Studio where editors can drill down to specific documents to edit them. You can configure your studio's Structure tool(s) with the Structure Tool API.


  • name

    The name you want this structure to have (among other places, this name is used in routing, if name is set to β€œstructure”, it is shown on /structure). Usually lowercase or camelcase by convention. Defaults to structure.

  • title

    The title that will be displayed for the tool. Defaults to Structure

  • icon

    React icon component for the tool, used in navigation bar. Defaults to MasterDetailIcon from @sanity/icons

  • structure

    A structure resolver function. Receives two arguments:

    • S - an instance of the structure builder, that can be used to build the lists/items/panes for the structure tool
    • context - an object holding various context that may be used to customize the structure, for instance the current user.

    Defaults to (S) => S.defaults()

  • defaultDocumentNode

    A resolver function used to return the default document node used when editing documents. Receives two arguments:

    • S - an instance of the structure builder, that can be used to build the document node (S.document())
    • context - an object holding various context that may be used to customize the document node

Minimal Example

The sanity/structure package exports a structureTool, which is a plugin that installs a structure tool. You can add it to your studio by passing it as part of the plugins array.

// sanity.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'sanity'
import { structureTool } from 'sanity/structure'

export default defineConfig((
	// ...
  plugins: [
    structureTool() // use defaults

To customize your structure tool, pass an object in with the settings you want to customize. For instance, if you want a custom structure tool called β€œcars” that shows in the toolbar as β€œCars” and has an icon from react-icons and tweaks both the structure and defaultDocumentNode:

// sanity.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'sanity'
import { structureTool } from 'sanity/structure'
import { FaCar } from 'react-icons'

export default defineConfig((
	// ...
  plugins: [
      name: 'cars',
      title: 'Cars',
      icon: FaCar,
      structure: (S) => S.documentTypeList('car'),
      defaultDocumentNode: (S) =>

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