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Interact with datasets in your project

usage: sanity dataset [--default] [-v|--version] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] <command> [<args>]

   alias       You can manage your dataset alias using this command.
   copy        Manages dataset copying, including starting a new copy job, listing copy jobs and following the progress of a running copy job
   create      Create a new dataset within your project
   delete      Delete a dataset within your project
   export      Export dataset to local filesystem as a gzipped tarball
   import      Import documents to given dataset from ndjson file
   list        List datasets of your project
   visibility  Set visibility of a dataset

See 'sanity help dataset <command>' for specific information on a subcommand.



usage: sanity dataset alias SUBCOMMAND [ALIAS_NAME, TARGET_DATASET]

   You can manage your dataset alias using this command.

Below are examples of the alias subcommand

Create Alias
  sanity dataset alias create
  sanity dataset alias create <alias-name>
  sanity dataset alias create <alias-name> <target-dataset>

Delete Alias
    --force Skips security prompt and forces link command

    sanity dataset alias delete <alias-name>
    sanity dataset alias delete <alias-name> --force

Link Alias
    --force Skips security prompt and forces link command

    sanity dataset alias link
    sanity dataset alias link <alias-name>
    sanity dataset alias link <alias-name> <target-dataset>
    sanity dataset alias link <alias-name> <target-dataset> --force

Un-link Alias
    --force Skips security prompt and forces link command

    sanity dataset alias unlink
    sanity dataset alias unlink <alias-name>
    sanity dataset alias unlink <alias-name> --force


usage: sanity dataset copy [SOURCE_DATASET] [TARGET_DATASET]

   Manages dataset copying, including starting a new copy job, listing copy jobs and following the progress of a running copy job

  --detach Start the copy without waiting for it to finish
  --attach <job-id> Attach to the running copy process to show progress
  --skip-history Don't preserve document history on copy
  --list Lists all dataset copy jobs corresponding to a certain criteria.
  --offset Start position in the list of jobs. Default 0. With --list.
  --limit Maximum number of jobs returned. Default 10. Maximum 1000. With --list.

  sanity dataset copy
  sanity dataset copy <source-dataset>
  sanity dataset copy <source-dataset> <target-dataset>
  sanity dataset copy <source-dataset> <target-dataset> --skip-history
  sanity dataset copy <source-dataset> <target-dataset> --detach
  sanity dataset copy --attach <job-id>
  sanity dataset copy --list
  sanity dataset copy --list --offset=2
  sanity dataset copy --list --offset=2 --limit=10


usage: sanity dataset create [NAME]

   Create a new dataset within your project

  --visibility <mode> Set visibility for this dataset (public/private)

  sanity dataset create
  sanity dataset create <name>
  sanity dataset create <name> --visibility private


usage: sanity dataset delete [datasetName]

   Delete a dataset within your project

  --force Do not prompt for delete confirmation - forcefully delete

  sanity dataset delete
  sanity dataset delete my-dataset
  sanity dataset delete my-dataset --force


usage: sanity dataset export [NAME] [DESTINATION]

   Export dataset to local filesystem as a gzipped tarball

  --raw                     Extract only documents, without rewriting asset references
  --no-assets               Export only non-asset documents and remove references to image assets
  --no-drafts               Export only published versions of documents
  --no-compress             Skips compressing tarball entries (still generates a gzip file)
  --types                   Defines which document types to export
  --overwrite               Overwrite any file with the same name
  --asset-concurrency <num> Concurrent number of asset downloads
  --mode <stream|cursor> Uses a cursor when exporting, this might be more performant for larger datasets, but might not be as accurate if the dataset is being modified during export. Defaults to stream.

  sanity dataset export moviedb localPath.tar.gz
  sanity dataset export moviedb assetless.tar.gz --no-assets
  sanity dataset export staging staging.tar.gz --raw
  sanity dataset export staging staging.tar.gz --types products,shops


usage: sanity dataset import [FILE | FOLDER | URL] [TARGET_DATASET]

   Import documents to given dataset from ndjson file

  --missing On duplicate document IDs, skip importing document in question
  --replace On duplicate document IDs, replace existing document with imported document
  --allow-failing-assets Skip assets that cannot be fetched/uploaded
  --replace-assets Skip reuse of existing assets

Rarely used options (should generally not be used)
  --allow-assets-in-different-dataset Allow asset documents to reference different project/dataset
  --allow-system-documents Allow system documents like dataset permissions and custom retention to be imported

  # Import "moviedb.ndjson" from the current directory to the dataset called "moviedb"
  sanity dataset import moviedb.ndjson moviedb

  # Import "moviedb.tar.gz" from the current directory to the dataset called "moviedb",
  # replacing any documents encountered that have the same document IDs
  sanity dataset import moviedb.tar.gz moviedb --replace

  # Import from a folder containing an ndjson file, such as an extracted tarball
  # retrieved through "sanity dataset export".
  sanity dataset import ~/some/folder moviedb

  # Import from a remote URL. Will download and extract the tarball to a temporary
  # location before importing it.
  sanity dataset import https://some.url/moviedb.tar.gz moviedb --replace


usage: sanity dataset list

   List datasets of your project


usage: sanity dataset visibility get/set [dataset] [mode]

   Set visibility of a dataset

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