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Sanity Studio update: Enhanced array insert menu, new typegen feature, and various bug fixes

Installation and upgrading

To initiate a new Studio without installing the CLI globally:

npm create sanity@latest

To upgrade a v3 Studio, run this command in its folder:

npm install sanity@latest

✨ Highlights

Array insert menu

This release includes a much requested upgrade of the array insert menu with various new options available. Including a new and more informative grid view, the ability to organize available schema types in groups, and filter them with a search term, and more. Check out the array article in the docs for examples.

Other features

Adds a type export of all the discovered Sanity schema variants resulting from running sanity typegen in the CLI. This can be useful in mocks/testing environments and used by third party tools to get a list of potential types. This union type is accessible as AllSanitySchemaTypes in the generated type definitions.

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes an issue where a text preview image would be included into the Portable Text Editor (PTE) when pasting text from Word.
  • Fixes an issue where navigation options were not being passed as expected when calling a scoped router's navigate function.
  • Fixes an issue where the PTE wouldn't activate when you start dragging files into it.
  • Images in the Hotspot & Crop tool now render faster, and use far less memory.
  • Reduces layout shift when uploading images that replace existing image assets.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause a 409 error when restoring a document from history.
  • Fixes an issue where image and file types might be listed in their lowercase variant in array insert menus

Documentation affected by this release

Published June 18, 2024