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Implements React Compiler for auto-updating Studios and additional fixes

✨ Highlights

React Compiler for auto-updating studios

Studios that have opted in to the auto-updating feature will now use code optimized by the React Compiler. In many cases, this results in a faster user interface.

Other features

Configurable slug field weight

It's now possible to configure search weights for slug fields using the options.search.weight field option:

  name: 'slug',
  type: 'slug',
+ options: {
+   search: {
+     weight: 50,
+   },
+ },

The slug field's weight will now be respected when using global search with "Best match" sorting selected, and when using reference search. Learn more about search weights in the Studio Search Configuration documentation.

Crop/hotspot vector format warning

When using vector formats (like SVG), any crop/hotspot defined for the image will only be applied if the image is delivered in a raster format. To make this clear, a warning is now displayed when setting a crop/hotspot on vector images.

Document links in Vision

When using the @sanity/vision plugin, if query results contain either _id or _ref attributes, a link icon is displayed next to the value making it easier to find and edit the document.

Note: This is currently only displayed if the queried dataset matches the dataset of the active workspace.

Sanity v2 CLI commands removed

v2 has been end-of-life since April 2024 and the CLI commands for v2 will no longer display a removed error.

You can still use @sanity/cli@^2 should you need to run CLI commands against the an old studio project. See the guide for more details on migrating from v2 to v3.

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Annotations in the Portable Text Editor will now autofocus on the first input when being created.
  • Fixed a regression in v3.65.0 that caused the document editor panel header to look slightly misaligned with presentation tool's URL bar, and the Tasks panel header.
  • Fixes an issue where editing an annotation in the Portable Text Editor could result in multiple editing dialogs being opened.

Documentation affected by this release

Published December 05, 2024