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Introduction to the Presence API

Learn how the Presence API works and how to integrate it with your own custom input components


The Presence API is only available in Sanity Studio v1/v2. If you're migrating to v3, review the Migrating Custom Input Components guide.

When you have more than one person working in your Studio at the same time, it becomes important to see where everyone is working. Presence allows you to see who is in specific documents and fields in the Studio.

Two Presence location indicators. One in the navigation bar showing another editor is present in the Studio. The other showing that someone is currently editing the Title of this document.

Presence takes the form of editor avatars that travel around Studio. All the editors currently in a Studio will appear in the navigation. When you click on the avatars, you can select a user and jump directly to the document they are editing.

After clicking on an avatar in the navigation bar, an editor can jump to the document that editor is in.

While inside a document, you can see which editors are editing which fields.

Behind the scenes

When you log in, Sanity Studio opens a Web Socket connection to the hosted datastore. Each user's state is updated via this Socket, as well as returning the global state of all users as that changes.

This state is then used to communicate with Studio's base inputs using a combination of 3 publicly available helper components. These components allow developers to use Presence in their custom inputs and plugins.

Adding Presence to Studio

Presence is a default feature built into the Studio. If your Studio is version 1.150.0 or greater, you have access to Presence. All default Studio inputs or custom inputs that use the FormField component will already be set to use Presence with no additional code.

import FormField from 'part:@sanity/components/formfields/default'

function MyCustomInput(props) {
  const {type, value} = props
  return (
    <FormField label={type.title} description={type.description}>
        // .... your custom input implementation

Not using FormField?

For inputs not using FormField, the built-in Presence experience can still be added. To add the base component, use the FieldPresence component from @sanity/base/presence.

import {FieldPresence} from '@sanity/base/presence'

function MyCustomInput(props) {
  const {type, value} = props
  return (
      <FieldPresence />
      <input type="text" value={value} /*...*/ />

Presence for custom arrays and object inputs

For custom inputs that are arrays or objects, a custom scope needs to wrap FieldPresence component. The PresenceScope component accepts a path object. The path object contains an array of identifiers for fields the Presence information is scoped to.

import {FieldPresence} from '@sanity/base/presence'

function MyCustomObject(props) {
  const {value, type, onFocus} = props
  return (
    <div tabIndex={0} onFocus={onFocus}>
        {type.fields.map(field => (
          <li key={field.name}>
            <PresenceScope path={[field.name]}>
              <FieldPresence />
            <input type="string"
              value={value && value[field.name]}
              onFocus={() => onFocus([field.name])}

Arrays use the same PresenceScope to provide context for each item in the array.

Presence in custom inputs with dialogs

A custom input that exists inside a dialog does not get a sticky Presence indicator by default. To support this, the dialog needs to use the PresenceOverlay helper component.

import {Presence, PresenceOverlay} from '@sanity/base/presence'
import {FormBuilderInput} from 'part:@sanity/form-builder'

// ... some parts omitted for brevity
// ... additional functionality

export function CustomInputWithDialogOverlay(props) {
  const {value, type, focusPath, onFocus, level, onChange, onBlur} = props

  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false)
  return (
      {isOpen && (
        <Dialog onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}>
            <div style={{padding: 10}}>
              {type.fields.map((field, i) => (
                // Delegate to the generic FormBuilderInput. It will resolve and insert the actual input component
                // for the given field type
                  level={level + 1}
                  value={value && value[field.name]}
                  onChange={patchEvent => handleFieldChange(field, patchEvent)}
          <Button onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}>Click to edit</Button>
          {!isOpen && <FieldPresence />} {/* Show field presence here! */}

Removing Presence from a FormField component

If you don't want to show any Presence indicator in your custom input component you can leave your input as is. If your custom input is using the FormField component, however, you need to pass an additional presence prop. This prop needs a value of an empty array to opt the input out of Presence.

import FormField from 'part:@sanity/components/formfields/default'

function MyCustomInput(props) {
  const {type, value, presence} = props
  return (

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