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Community contributions

Minimalist portfolio website
- Made with Sanity

A very simple single page site to highlight a social researcher and climber's key interests and profiles.

Marc Fehr
Go to Minimalist portfolio website

Vue-Sanity Blog with Tailwind
- Made with Sanity

I build a very simple blog with Vue and TailwindCSS and fetched content from Sanity

Olawanle Joel
Go to Vue-Sanity Blog with Tailwind

- Made with Sanity

Complex product offering with nested product structure and tiered pricing.

Kevin Green
Go to Occo

- Tool

This plugin allows a field's value to be based on other fields or relationships with its document or based on external data. In other words, this field memoizes a value in a document using GROQ or APIs to lookup and custom javascript to compute the value from those GROQ results.

Sean H
Go to sanity-plugin-computed-field

How to setup a staging website with SANITY
- Guide

Edit code and make revisions without fear - deploy a staging website with SANITY spaces API.

This is an external link at:www.erichowey.dev
Eric Howey
Go to How to setup a staging website with SANITY

- Made with Sanity

A sample portfolio to learn more about Sanity.io and GROQ

Sara Gray
Go to Portfolio

Takeout Tracker
- Made with Sanity

We keep track of Austin, TX restaurants open during the covid-19 health crisis. Please patronize them, tip well, and be patient and understanding about any shortages or mishaps.

Go to Takeout Tracker

Figma Config
- Made with Sanity

Website for Config, the global design conference by Figma.

Corey Ward
Go to Figma Config

Auto-reload Studio when changes are deployed
- Schema

Drop this into your Studio to let editors know when there's a more recent version of your Studio available, making sure they have the latest fields and validations.

Go to Auto-reload Studio when changes are deployed