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Image gen

Use Next.js API routes and Sanity to generate images directly from replicate inside the studio

Go to Image gen

Trigger Webhooks in Sanity

Manually trigger Webhooks right from your Studio. Useful for rebuilding your website using static site generator (Astro, SvelteKit, Next.js, 11ty, etc).

Félix Péault
Go to Trigger Webhooks in Sanity


Deploy and view history of multiple Netlify sites directly inside your Sanity Studio.

Jarrett Lusso
Go to Netlify


Adds the Bynder Digital Asset Management system to your Studio

Rune Botten
Go to Bynder


Official(made by Sanity team)

Access and reference images and videos from your Cloudinary account within the Sanity Studio.

Rune Botten
Go to sanity-plugin-cloudinary

Vercel Deploy

Trigger Vercel Deploy Hooks from your Sanity Studio

Nick DiMatteo
Go to Vercel Deploy

Gatsby source plugin

Official(made by Sanity team)

Source plugin for pulling content from Sanity.io into Gatsby websites.

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Netlify Deploy

Official(made by Sanity team)

Sanity Studio Dashboard Widget for triggering Netlify builds.

Go to Netlify Deploy

Contentful to Sanity

Official(made by Sanity team)

This package liberates Contentful spaces, creating Sanity projects and schemas as it goes.

Go to Contentful to Sanity

Mux input

Upload videos to Mux directly from the studio.

Go to Mux input

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