The social network for food lovers
Go to TotallyChefsThe social network for food lovers
Go to TotallyChefs"WOODME: Crafting Digital Experiences with Sanity's Headless CMS"
Go to WOODMEA curated selection of beautifully designed, super effective portfolio websites.
Go to Killer PortfolioGlory to the Microbes is a project that places itself at the forefront of eternity to reveal the secrets of the invisible worlds that surround us.
Go to Glory to the microbesA project with and for the people of Angus, using art to capture and voice their experience through the Covid-19.
Go to Angus RemembersCollaborating with artists to support the charities they care about.
Go to Artists SupportThe Best Indie Dev Tools Navigator
Go to Indie Hacker ToolA Rammstein & Till Lindemann fan page. Created entirely with Sanity. Unfortunately only in German at the moment. English will be added soon!
Go to LIFAD-WORLDAll Essential Links in One for Startups
Go to starthub.zipCivic engagement made easy
Go to Save the Greater Sage GrouseCombining Sanity, Donorbox, and Shopify to seamlessly manage courses, trips, events, memberships, digests, and e-commerce.
Go to American Italian Cultural Center RedesignAn Open source Laravel e-commerce platform for building marketplaces, mobile apps, blockchain, and headless commerce, powered by Generative AI.
Go to Blog for BagistoMy personal portfolio site built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS
Go to Victor Eke Portfolio SiteA new brand identity to represent a more mature company, to signify The Swaddle’s evolution from publisher to production house, combined with an easier to navigate platform that can surface multiple content types - drawing readers through The Swaddle’s content offering.
Go to The SwaddleMy Portofolio
Go to Awd PortofolioAPIs and IPAs is a local event with Uniform, Sanity, and in Toronto. For the event, we built a personalized beer recommendation experience using the latest Next.js 15 partial pre-rendering mode. Uniform has out-of-the-box integrations with Sanity and Vercel, and a visual personalization engine built in. For this experience, we pull Geo IP from Vercel, Weather from a weather API, and beer and breweries content from Sanity, and the experience is visually configured in Uniform. What beer did you get?
Go to APIs and IPAs: personalized beverage recommendationSuper-fast B2B Website Built With Sanity for Easy Content Management
Go to Green CustardCreating a multi-site, internationalised page builder for the premier consulting community
Go to Leaders In Consulting