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Product & Service resources

Guides, starters, plugins, and more. Get inspiration and learn how to build great digital products and multichannel solutions with Sanity.io.

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4 Product & Service tools

Image gen

Use Next.js API routes and Sanity to generate images directly from replicate inside the studio

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Uniform plugin for Sanity

This plugin augments Sanity Studio with ability to assign personalization criteria and enrichments tags to any documents inside your Sanity dataset.

Andrew Kumar
Go to Uniform plugin for Sanity

Sanity Iconify

Icon picker with over 150,000 open source vector icons

Wannes Salomé
Go to Sanity Iconify

15 Product & Service guides

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Best Use Cases of Sanity

Explore use cases of Sanity CMS, a headless content platform that enables flexible content, enhances functionality and UX in industries like finance, retail, and healthcare.

This is an external link at:pagepro.co
Go to Best Use Cases of Sanity

WordPress vs WYSIWYG vs SanityPress

A comparison of WordPress, WYSIWYG, and SanityPress, evaluating content management, scalability, speed, and more to help choose the best platform.

This is an external link at:sanitypress.dev
Mitchell Christ
Go to WordPress vs WYSIWYG vs SanityPress

A really nice Mux video component

If you've used Mux Player, you know it comes at a cost of performance... Well todays the day to scrap that and take our stripped down code for optimal performance

This is an external link at:roboto.studio
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106 Product & Service projects made with Sanity

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Complex product offering with nested product structure and tiered pricing.

Kevin Green
Go to Occo


A sleek and fast personal website built with SvelteKit 5, Sanity.io and Tailwind CSS 4, showcasing a full range of web design and development services alongside recent projects.

Jason Wang
Go to pixelmate.au

JetShip- Next.js Starter Kit

JetShip is a Next.js starter kit designed for building SaaS applications with modern tech like Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, and Supabase, featuring authentication, payments, and admin management.

Go to JetShip- Next.js Starter Kit

Gaslighting Check

Expert insights and articles about understanding, identifying, and recovering from gaslighting and manipulation. Learn about patterns, tactics, and healing strategies.

Go to Gaslighting Check


Scheduling and order management platform for small merchants across the globe

Go to Vev

5 Product & Service schemas

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