Sanity Image URL Builder
A lightweight, zero-dependency URL builder for Sanity images.
Go to Sanity Image URL BuilderA lightweight, zero-dependency URL builder for Sanity images.
Go to Sanity Image URL BuilderA well-considered React component for displaying images from Sanity in any React application (Next.js, Astro, Remix, Gatsby, etc)
Go to Sanity ImageThis plugin augments Sanity Studio with ability to assign personalization criteria and enrichments tags to any documents inside your Sanity dataset.
Go to Uniform plugin for SanityA collection of studio plugins, fields, and components to boost your Sanity studio.
Go to Sanity KitView and manage form submissions from your website inside a Studio Tool.
Go to Inbox ToolAccess your plausible analytics in sanity studio.
Go to Plausible Analytics WidgetThis plugin is the perfect base to create a simple website admin base with a pagebuilder
Go to Website base & pagebuilderIcon picker with over 150,000 open source vector icons
Go to Sanity IconifyRender Portable Text with Astro.
Go to Astro Portable TextThe Sanity Lighthouse Plugin seamlessly integrates Google PageSpeed Insights into your SanityCMS workflow, providing comprehensive performance analysis. Generate reports, monitor performance, and optimize your website for faster load times and improved user experience, all within your existing development process. It's a developer-friendly tool that streamlines performance testing and optimization for your SanityCMS-powered website.
Go to Sanity LighthouseShopstory is the first visual/no-code builder that works inside of Sanity. It’s like Squarespace but compatible with your data model, front-end and design tokens. With Shopstory designers, marketers and content teams can build new visual content without waiting for developers.
Go to Shopstory — Visual Buildersanity-plugin-asset-source-openai
Go to Sanity Asset Source Open AI PluginAn integration for Astro and Sanity
Go to Astro + SanityRender PortableText content in React
Go to PortableText to ReactAdds the Bynder Digital Asset Management system to your Studio
Go to BynderAccess and reference images and videos from your Cloudinary account within the Sanity Studio.
Go to sanity-plugin-cloudinaryEditor friendly slug fields for your studio
Go to Prefixed slug inputEasily leverage the power of Sanity's image API from React-based environments like Gatsby.
Go to gatsby-plugin-sanity-imageGet listed in, increase your work's visibility and help others.
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