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Content enrichment schemas and snippets

Import Taxonomy Terms

Import taxonomy terms, structure, and metadata into the Taxonomy Manager plugin. Includes a spreadsheet template you can use to author and correctly format your taxonomy.

Andy Fitzgerald
Go to Import Taxonomy Terms

Cursor Prompt

Thinking about getting started with AI? Well we're just going to share our latest and greatest prompt so you don't have to do the hard work

Go to Cursor Prompt

groqd implementation with portable text custom marks

If you're working on integrating portable text with custom markDefs using groqd, the following code snippet could be very useful. It might save you a considerable amount of research time.

Oybek Khalikovic
Go to groqd implementation with portable text custom marks

Portable Text Mock Content

If you're looking to mockup portable text in Storybook without a Sanity backend, this is the schema you're looking for

Go to Portable Text Mock Content

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