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Import Taxonomy Terms

By Andy Fitzgerald

Import taxonomy terms, structure, and metadata into the Taxonomy Manager plugin. Includes a spreadsheet template you can use to author and correctly format your taxonomy.


import fs from 'fs'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import crypto from 'crypto'
import csv from 'csv-parser'
import {createClient} from '@sanity/client'

// 🚨 Change these to your values
const sourceFile = 'topic-taxonomy.csv' // required; expects format provided by template linked in description
const conceptSchemeName = 'Topic Taxonomy' // required
const baseIri = 'https://studio.sanity.io/taxonomy/' // required; your studio domain is usually a good choice
const conceptSchemeDescription = 'A taxonomy of topics used in Sanity Studio' // optional

// Load environment variables from .env file in this directory
dotenv.config({path: '.env.local'})

const projectId = process.env.STUDIO_PROJECT_ID
const dataset = process.env.STUDIO_DATASET
const token = process.env.TAXONOMY_MIGRATION_TOKEN // ensure the token has write access

if (!token || !projectId || !dataset) {
  throw new Error('Required environment variables are not set.')

if (!sourceFile || !conceptSchemeName || !baseIri) {
  throw new Error('Source file, concept scheme name, and base IRI are required.')

const client = createClient({
  apiVersion: '2025-01-01', // current date targets the latest version
  useCdn: false,

// 1. Read CSV file
const headerRows = 4 // Header rows to skip: Google Sheets title, development headers, and instructions
const headers = [
  'alternateLabels', // comma separated list, optional
  'hiddenLabels', // comma separated list, optional
  'notes', // not migrated to Sanity
const prefLabelKeys = headers.slice(0, 5)

const readCSV = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const results = []
      .pipe(csv({headers, skipLines: headerRows}))
      .on('data', (data) => results.push(data))
      .on('end', () => resolve(results))
      .on('error', (error) => reject(error))

// 2. Define the SKOS Concept Scheme
const schemeHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(conceptSchemeName).digest('hex').slice(0, 12)
const skosConcepts = []
const skosConceptScheme = {
  _type: 'skosConceptScheme',
  _id: `skosConceptScheme${schemeHash}`,
  title: conceptSchemeName,
  description: conceptSchemeDescription || '',
  schemeId: schemeHash.slice(5, 12),
  topConcepts: [],
  concepts: [],

// 3. Create the SKOS Concepts
let previous = {} // used to track the concept "before" the current one
let hierarchy = [] // a snapshot of the hierarchy from the point of view of the current concept
let topConceptSet = false
let broaderDetected = false

// Child concept mapping function
const mapChildConcept = (
) => {
  for (let concept of hierarchy) {
    // add the concept _ref the next level up in the hierarchy to broader[]
    if (concept.level == conceptLevel - 1) {
      const skosConceptRef = {...concept}
      delete skosConceptRef.level
      broaderDetected = true
    // mark any existing concept _ref at this level for removal from the hierarchy array
    if (concept.level == conceptLevel) {
  if (broaderDetected == false) {
    throw new Error(
      `Inconsistent Hierarchy: No broader concept found for the concept "${currentConcept.prefLabel}".`,
  for (let concept of toRemove) {
    hierarchy.splice(hierarchy.indexOf(concept), 1) // remove marked concept from the hierarchy array
  hierarchy.push(currentConceptRef) // update the hierarchy with current concept _ref
  previous = currentConceptRef // set previous to the current concept _ref for the next iteration

const mapConcept = (concept) => {
  let prefLabel = null // the location of the prefLabel is use to determine hierarchy position
  let conceptLevel = null
  let mappingLevel = 0
  let count = 0
  let toRemove = [] // used to remove concepts from the hierarchy array to keep it current

  // Verify that the hierarchy array has no more than one concept at each level
  const hierarchyLevels = hierarchy.map((concept) => concept.level)
  hierarchyLevels.some(function (item, index) {
    if (hierarchyLevels.indexOf(item) != index) {
      throw new Error('Mapping hierarchy contains multiple concepts at the same level.')

  // 3a. extract the pref label and level from the first non-empty field in of the concept record
  prefLabelKeys.forEach((key) => {
    if (concept[key]) {
      prefLabel = concept[key]
      conceptLevel = mappingLevel

  // Verify that one and only one prefLabel has been detected
  if (count == 0) {
    throw new Error('No `prefLabel` specified for a listed skosConcept.')
  } else if (count > 1) {
    throw new Error('More than one `prefLabel` is specified for a listed skosConcept.')

  // Create a hash of the prefLabel to use as the concept _id and _ref _key
  const conceptHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(prefLabel).digest('hex').slice(0, 12)

  // 3b. Create the skosConcept object ...
  const currentConcept = {
    _id: `skosConcept${conceptHash}`,
    _type: 'skosConcept',
    level: conceptLevel, // level is for hierarchy assignment and will not be written to the document
    conceptId: conceptHash.slice(5, 12),
    broader: [],
    definition: concept.definition,
    scopeNote: concept.scopeNote,
    example: concept.examples,
    altLabel: concept.alternateLabels
      ? concept.alternateLabels.split(',').map((label) => label.trim())
      : [],
    hiddenLabel: concept.hiddenLabels
      ? concept.hiddenLabels.split(',').map((label) => label.trim())
      : [],

  //      ... and the concept _ref object that will be used as a reference
  const currentConceptRef = {
    _ref: currentConcept._id,
    _key: conceptHash.slice(0, 6),
    _type: 'reference',
    level: currentConcept.level, // level is for hierarchy assignment and will not be written to the document

  // 3c. Map concepts to the hierarchy
  if (conceptLevel == 0) {
    // Top Concept
    hierarchy = [currentConceptRef] // reset hierarchy with new top concept
    previous = currentConceptRef // set previous to the current concept _ref for the next iteration
    topConceptSet = true
  } else if (conceptLevel == 1 && topConceptSet == false) {
    // L1 concept with no top concept
    hierarchy = [currentConceptRef] // reset hierarchy with new concept
    previous = currentConceptRef
  } else if (
    conceptLevel - 1 == previous.level || // Child concept
    conceptLevel == previous.level || // Sibling concept
    conceptLevel < previous.level // Ancestor concept
  ) {
  } else if (conceptLevel > previous.level + 1) {
    // Orphan concept: two or levels lower than previous term
    throw new Error('Inconsistent Hierarchy: Orphan term.')

  // 3d. Add concepts and _refs to the skosConceptScheme and the skosConcepts array
  const skosConcept = {...currentConcept}
  const skosConceptRef = {...currentConceptRef}
  delete skosConcept.level
  delete skosConceptRef.level

  if (conceptLevel == 0) {
  } else {

const createConcepts = (results) => {
  for (const concept of results) {
    mapConcept(concept) // Map result hierarchy & assign attributes

const processCSV = async (log) => {
  try {
    const results = await readCSV()
    if (log) {
      console.log(`SKOS Concept Scheme created: ${skosConceptScheme.title}`)
      console.log(`SKOS Concepts created: ${skosConcepts.length}`)
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error processing CSV file: ', error)

const importConcepts = async () => {
  try {
    await processCSV(true)
    console.log('Sanity Client time ... ')
    let transaction = client.transaction()
    skosConcepts.forEach((concept) => {
    return transaction.commit()
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error importing taxonomy terms: ', error.message)

const testConcepts = async () => {
  try {
    await processCSV(false)
    console.log(`Concept Scheme: ${skosConceptScheme.title}`)
    console.log(`\nFirst three of ${skosConcepts.length} Concepts:`)
    console.log(skosConcepts.slice(0, 3))
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error testing taxonomy terms: ', error.message)

const removeConcepts = async () => {
  try {
    await processCSV(false)
    console.log('Sanity Client time ... ')
    let transaction = client.transaction()
    skosConcepts.forEach((concept) => {
    return transaction.commit()
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error removing taxonomy terms: ', error.message)

const main = async () => {
  if (
    process.argv[3] ||
    (process.argv[2] && !['--test', '--remove', '--help'].includes(process.argv[2]))
  ) {
    console.log('Usage: node taxo-tool.mjs [--test] [--remove] [--help]')
  } else if (process.argv.includes('--test')) {
    try {
      await testConcepts()
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error testing taxonomy terms: ', error.message)
  } else if (process.argv.includes('--remove')) {
      'Delete mode: Taxonomy terms previously created with this configuration will be removed.',
    console.log('Reading taxonomy terms ...')
    try {
      await removeConcepts()
      console.log('Concepts removed.')
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error removing taxonomy terms: ', error.message)
  } else if (process.argv.includes('--help')) {
    console.log('Usage: node taxo-tool.mjs [--test] [--remove] [--help]')
      '--test: Run the script in test mode: returns the concept scheme and first three concepts. No data will be migrated.',
    console.log('--remove: Remove any taxonomy terms previously imported from this configuration.')
    console.log('--help: Print command line options.')
  } else {
    console.log('Importing taxonomy terms ...')
    try {
      await importConcepts()
      console.log('Import complete.')
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error importing taxonomy terms: ', error.message)


Preparing the Taxonomy
This script is designed to work with a .csv file exported from this Google Sheets template. Download the Taxonomy Template tab (or whatever you choose to rename it) as a .csv and add its location as the sourceFile.

Taxonomy Preparation Tips

  • Only use one term per row. This is modeled in the spreadsheet sample data. The script will throw an error if there is more than one term per row, or if there is no term specified for a row that otherwise contains metadata
  • Don't repeat terms — all your concept labels must be unique.
  • Use top concepts or L1 only, but not both. L1s will be nested under the nearest top concept if top concepts are used. Read more about Top Concepts here.
  • Include definitions! Provide examples and scope notes, too, where appropriate (scope notes are used to restrict or expand the application of a term or distinguish between terms that have overlapping meanings in natural language)

Check out the Taxonomy Manager Plugin Docs for high-level steps on taxonomy design and for a list of resources on creating, using, and managing taxonomies.

Taxonomy Scheme Settings

Once you have the .csv saved and the path updated, add a title for the taxonomy scheme and an optional (but recommended) description.

You'll also add a baseIri. This is the default URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for your concepts and concept schemes. Unique identifiers allow for the clear and unambiguous identification of concepts across namespaces, for example between https://shipparts.com/vocab/Bow and https://wrappingsupplies.com/vocab/Bow. The base URI of these concepts is https://shipparts.com/vocab/ and https://wrappingsupplies.com/vocab/, respectively.

  • In most cases, it makes sense for your base URI to be a directory or subdirectory of your website.
  • In all cases, the URI you choose should be in a domain that you control.

The baseIri can be changed later if you need to adjust namespaces after import.

Running the Script
To connect the script with your Content Lake instance, you'll need to include an .env file with:

  • your Sanity project ID
  • the name of your dataset
  • an API token with write access

With that in place and dependencies installed, run node taxo-tool.js to migrate your taxonomy. Add flags to test or remove the entire scheme (and all its concepts):

  • --test prints the schema name, the first three concepts, and the total concept count to the terminal. No data is sent to Sanity.
  • --remove removes the taxonomy as configured in the script from your Studio. Use this if you need to make major changes and would rather start fresh.

The script is idempotent, so if you update your schema and run it again, it will only change modified concepts. Note that concept and scheme IDs are based on a hash of the concept preferred label (or the scheme title), so if you change labels or the scheme title, you will end up with duplicate entries. In this case, you may just want to delete the entire scheme and migrate a fresh version.


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