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Products services showcase projects

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A sleek and fast personal website built with SvelteKit 5, Sanity.io and Tailwind CSS 4, showcasing a full range of web design and development services alongside recent projects.

Jason Wang
Go to pixelmate.au

JetShip- Next.js Starter Kit

JetShip is a Next.js starter kit designed for building SaaS applications with modern tech like Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, and Supabase, featuring authentication, payments, and admin management.

Go to JetShip- Next.js Starter Kit

Gaslighting Check

Expert insights and articles about understanding, identifying, and recovering from gaslighting and manipulation. Learn about patterns, tactics, and healing strategies.

Go to Gaslighting Check


Scheduling and order management platform for small merchants across the globe

Go to Vev

Killer Portfolio

A curated selection of beautifully designed, super effective portfolio websites.

Mike Harmer
Go to Killer Portfolio

Money Atlas

Building a lightning-fast credit card comparison platform in 6 weeks flat with Next.js and Sanity

Go to Money Atlas


Launch profitable directory website in minutes

Go to Mkdirs


A recipe site built with usability and readability in mind.

Dag Stuan
Go to Bakdel.no

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