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Minimalist portfolio website

By Marc Fehr

A very simple single page site to highlight a social researcher and climber's key interests and profiles.

Screen grab of zoeduby.com
Contact form for zodeduby.com, using Netlify forms.
Lighthouse test results for the homepage of zoeduby,com
Screen grab of Studio for zoeduby.com

About the project

What it is

This was made for Zoe Duby, a researcher and rock climber. It's all happening in two simple pages in the Sanity studio, content wise, and gets rendered with GatsbyJS using Netlify. The site solves the purpose of a "link tree" page, for example to be used for Zoe Duby's Instagram profile website or her email signature.

Few things it does:

  • Sanity portable text (React) components for rendering different elements into the listings on the homepage.
  • Gatsby-image for lazy loading the portrait photo
  • Netlify forms for the contact form
  • TailwindCSS for styling


Marc Fehr

Full stack web developer based in Muizenberg, Cape Town

Marc is located at Muizenberg, Cape Town, South AFrica
Visit Marc Fehr's profile