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Creating my first Sanity.io plugin
- Guide

I created my very first Sanity plugin and this article details out my experience - the problems I encountered and how I solved them. But yeah, just really scratching my own itch!

Dorell James
Go to Creating my first Sanity.io plugin

Netlify Deploy Status Badge
- Tool

Display Netlify's status badge in Sanity Studio and your site's recent deploys. Plus, trigger a new build if you want to!

Dorell James
Go to Netlify Deploy Status Badge

My Portfolio
- Made with Sanity

This is my portfolio to showcase some of my projects and articles

Elijah Kizito
Go to My Portfolio

- Made with Sanity

Graphic designer website built with Gatsby, Sanity, Netlify and Shopify

Mantas Mikalauskas

Company Website
- Made with Sanity

Re-implemented my company website using the angular tailwindcss template

Magnus Wolf
Go to Company Website

- Made with Sanity

Acierta is a team of experienced specialists focusing on creativity, production, logistics and installation in any kind of retail, events and hospitality projects.

Pierre Nel
Go to Acierta

Angular TailwindCss Showcase
- Made with Sanity

This site can be used as a website, blog or webshop. The frontend is build with angular and tailwindcss. For implementing a web shop, there's an NgRx store introduced in the application. The application is deployed on netlify as static site using scully.io.

Magnus Wolf
Go to Angular TailwindCss Showcase

- Made with Sanity

Website and blog for Figma

Corey Ward
Go to Figma