The benefits of a SvelteKit CMS
SvelteKit is a frontend framework for creating ultra-fast, fully reactive, and hyper-modern web apps written in Svelte.
Svelte is a compile-time language that extends HTML, CSS and JS with syntax to express logic and variables right in your HTML.
Svelte manages the view layer and reactivity, while SvelteKit manages the routing, rendering modes, and page generation.
Here are three key benefits of using SvelteKit:
SvelteKit’s compiler and build step minimize the JavaScript shipped to the browser meaning your site will be faster than ever and score better in core web vitals, boosting your search ranking.
SvelteKit supports using different render modes and makes it easy to mix and match as you need it. Your marketing page can be statically generated for great SEO and the fastest speeds, while your app can use client-side rendering to avoid complexity and simplify the code.
SvelteKit has some of the best docs and tutorials in the business. Plus, they have benefitted from being one of the newer frameworks letting them adopt the best ideas and features from other, more mature frameworks. Out of the box, you get a very approachable syntax and carefully considered file and component architecture.