🎤 Builder Talk: The Story Behind Lady Gaga’s Digital Experience – Register now


By Sara Gray

A sample portfolio to learn more about Sanity.io and GROQ

React portfolio landing page
Project schema written to present information created in Sanity Studio. Accessed via a GROQ query and display in a React frontend
The About page uses an Author schema which has been adapted to more information about each author.
This shows the post page. Each post is created in the Sanity Studio and the schema accessed via a GROQ query and displayed in a React frontend
Single post uses BlockContent to display the post
The Studio setup for creating Posts
Editing the Project content using Studio. Schema created in the code.
GROQ query in a useEffect hook within the React component to display the projects
The Project Schema implemented from the CLI to create the Sanity Studio

About the project

This was a great project to start on your journey with Sanity. A single page React frontend allowed me to play with the Sanity schemas and work through the CLI interface.

The most important part was working with GROQ, the query language, but it really was easy to use and pick up. The documentation is excellent.

This was a starter project and I am looking forward to developing my ideas for using Sanity with more complex full stack applications. There are a whole bunch of plugins to research also. I can't wait!

