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Netlify showcase projects

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Angular TailwindCss Showcase

This site can be used as a website, blog or webshop. The frontend is build with angular and tailwindcss. For implementing a web shop, there's an NgRx store introduced in the application. The application is deployed on netlify as static site using scully.io.

Magnus Wolf
Go to Angular TailwindCss Showcase

Minimalist portfolio website

A very simple single page site to highlight a social researcher and climber's key interests and profiles.

Marc Fehr
Go to Minimalist portfolio website


Complex product offering with nested product structure and tiered pricing.

Kevin Green
Go to Occo

Figma Config

Website for Config, the global design conference by Figma.

Corey Ward
Go to Figma Config

WorldQuant University

Website for WorldQuant University. Site contains information about the organization and programs offered, ability to apply, and a regular blog for WQU-related news.

Go to WorldQuant University

The Agnes

A high end rental real estate site built with Gatsby, Sanity and Shopify that pulls in listing data via API and includes a headless Shopify shop.

David Gross
Go to The Agnes

Eugenie Detroit

Eugenie is a Detroit-based women’s boutique that is centered in sustainable fashion.

Lucas Vocos
Go to Eugenie Detroit

Why Mums Don't Jump

Podcast website, plus blog and custom player. Built with Gatsby with a custom source plugin for TransistorFM.

Paul Brickles
Go to Why Mums Don't Jump


Portfolio for designer/journalist Thea Urdal

Elise Jakobsen
Go to Urdal


Genexa is an organic/GMO medicine company trying to clean out your cabinet.

Ian Hatcher-Williams
Go to Genexa


An online tool to help you learn and experiment with CSS flexbox.

Mikolaj Dobrucki
Go to howtocss.dev

Circumference Books

Circumference Books is a press for publishing books of poetry in facing-page translation. The back end is built on Sanity.

Dan Visel
Go to Circumference Books

Heed Foods

Heed is a dog food company with some unique needs from a modular product and page perspective.

Kevin Green
Go to Heed Foods