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Why Mums Don't Jump

By Paul Brickles

Podcast website, plus blog and custom player. Built with Gatsby with a custom source plugin for TransistorFM.

Hero Area
Search functionality
Episode page
Blog post
Mobile home page section
Mobile player maximised
Real time preview and custom episode selector
Custom Links Schema
Controlling the nav in Sanity
Custom branded Sanity Studio

About the project

In preparation for Series 2 of this podcast, brilliantly created by my wife, I created a Gatsby site that connected Sanity and the new api from the TransistorFM podcast platform. This meant writing a custom source plugin for Transistor, with a custom from end player built on top of React Player. The site is hosted by the fine people at Netlify.

My initial design had done the job for the first series, but a listener and excellent designer Cat Pearson offered her services pro-bono for a rebrand and we jumped at the chance.

Some of the features include:

  • a branded Sanity Studio
  • episodes fetched from the Transistor Fm api to allow feature episodes to be selected for blog posts,
  • a realtime editor preview directly in the studio, with a little help from Gatsby Cloud
  • embedded instagram and YouTube content in Portable Text

I had great fun working with Sanity and it has been smooth sailing throughout. I can see many ways this site and project can possibly iterate in the future, but for now it's getting a great taboo-busting message out, so I'm very happy to showcase it.
