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Cabalar Meat Co.

Crafting a new digital home and experience for the best burger spot in town.

Go to Cabalar Meat Co.


Your Developer Hub for useful Resources and Seamless Innovation

Boluwatife Abiola
Go to Kokua

Global Advisory

Bespoke website for a transcontinental consulting authority.

James Rea
Go to Global Advisory


5500+ AI Tools, one hell of a GROQ query and Top-notch Structured Content. Building the perfect editorial experience with Futurepedia

Go to Futurepedia

Digital Spiders website

Our own web(site), where we broke expectations by making you start your visit in the center of the web (as opposed to the usual option of starting at the top of the website). A true challenge to our design and development skills, and a lot of fun to make!

Francisco Vieira
Go to Digital Spiders website

ASCENZA local websites

Websites and Sanity CMSes for four countries of a multi-national company in the crop protection sector (later expanded to 7 countries)

Francisco Vieira
Go to ASCENZA local websites

Going Viral Newsletter

Landing page and web-based guides for a newsletter based SaaS that unlocks the science behind virality. Stripe payments.

Francisco Vieira
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The proposal creation tool for modern sales teams

James Lambert
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Our Home

Holding co for a family of delicious snacks.

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VCA Design & Production 2023

An interactive exhibition showcasing the work of graduates from the Design and Production faculty from The Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne University).

Allan Pooley
Go to VCA Design & Production 2023


This tool is designed to automatically generate a sitemap powered by Sanity CMS with also the need to manage multiple languages.

Roberto Malcotti
Go to SanitySitemapGenerator


Efficient Go middleware for seamless document translation within via DeepL API integration.

Roberto Malcotti
Go to SanityTranslator