Roboto Studio
The best editorial experiences on the web
5500+ AI Tools, one hell of a GROQ query and Top-notch Structured Content. Building the perfect editorial experience with Futurepedia
It's not like us to flex... but when you can maintain performance for 5500+ AI tools and nearly 20,000 documents in total, we're going to have to... 💪
Humble-brag over, let's talk about some of the tech:
It's about as high-tech as modern web development gets, and the icing on the cake... It was built in 6 weeks flat.
The best editorial experiences on the web
Founder @ Roboto Studio - The Sanity & Next.js experts
Sr. Full Stack Developer at Roboto Studio
Fullstack Developer at Roboto Studio
Project manager, full time cat whisperer
Old faithful, but built in the app router. Testing out the latest and greatest features on our own website, now, with added purple.
Go to Roboto StudioBuilding a lightning-fast credit card comparison platform in 6 weeks flat with Next.js and Sanity
Go to Money AtlasWe consulted Savory & Partners: boosting Lighthouse scores from 60 to 90+, migrating to Tailwind & optimising the hell out of GROQ
Go to Savory & PartnersBuilding incredible editorial experiences for the independent Shopify specialists
Go to Graftstudio