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By Roboto Studio & Jono Alford

Building incredible editorial experiences for the independent Shopify specialists

The Graft Studio blog, powered by a highly tailored portable text setup
Homepage video driven by Mux videos, ultra fast loading with blur-up effect
Case studies displayed in a range of still images and Mux videos, delivered in lightning fast load times
A selection of services using both custom icons and a logo picker

About the project

We had a blast working with Richard, the founder of Graftstudio. We worked alongside his original designs to deliver a stunningly performant Sanity website. Not only that but we were able to create a iterative design feedback loop using the power of Vercel previews & Sanity comments. That meant less time writing tickets, and more time in the 'thick of it', tweaking and changing UI.

If you're looking into Shopify projects, definitely book a meeting with Richard, or if you're looking at getting your own cutting-edge Next.js & Sanity website ☎️ Get in touch with us


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