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Next.JS Blog Template With Sanity.io

This is a starter blog template created with next.js - a react framework and sanity as a backend tool. It also includes comment section.

Sujeet Gund
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Solo Grano

Serving the finest Sanity experience for an Italian Deli

Roboto Studio
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Velobici: Translation Strategy

Velobici is a UK-based e-commerce that produces and sells luxury cycling apparel. They noticed that their platform started getting traction in Japan and South Korea, so they approached us to implement a translation strategy so that they can have content easily translated.

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Directory of tools for frontend developers, organized by category for ease of use

Andreea Egli - Hehl
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Fresco Cooks

Fresco Cooks make software for smart appliances

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Talk In Arabic

The leading online resource for learning Middle Eastern and North African Arabic dialects.

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