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Plugins and tools for Sanity

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Document Internationalization

Official(made by Sanity team)

Create unique translations of a document based on its language, joined by a shared reference document

Go to Document Internationalization Asset Source

Allows you to use the api from the studio to remove the background from your images

Rein Undheim
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Scheduled Publishing

Official(made by Sanity team)

Schedule your content for future publication and organize upcoming releases – no custom tasks or serverless functions required!

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Taxonomy Manager

Create and manage SKOS compliant taxonomies, thesauri, and classification schemes in Sanity Studio.

Andy Fitzgerald
Go to Taxonomy Manager


A multi-tag input for sanity studio. Fully featured with autocomplete capabilities, live updates, predefined tag options, style and component customizability, and much more.

P Christopher Bowers
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Sanity Pills

A collection of utilities formulated to provide positive experiences in the Sanity Studio.

Corey Ward
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Adds the Bynder Digital Asset Management system to your Studio

Rune Botten
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Orderable Document List

Official(made by Sanity team)

Drag-and-drop Document Ordering without leaving the Editing surface

Simeon Griggs
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Cross Dataset Duplicator

Empower content editors to migrate Documents and Assets between Sanity Projects and Datasets from inside the Studio

Simeon Griggs
Go to Cross Dataset Duplicator

Google Translate

Official(made by Sanity team)

Machine translations from Google Translate directly in your Sanity Studio

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Transifex Plugin

Official(made by Sanity team)

A studio tool to send and retrieve translated documents from Transifex!

Go to Transifex Plugin

Iframe Pane

Display any URL in a View Pane, along with helpful buttons to Copy the URL or open in a new tab.

Simeon Griggs
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SEO Pane

Run yoast.js analysis on your front end, refreshing as you edit your Document, from inside a View Pane.

Simeon Griggs
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AWS S3 media browser

Allows uploading, referencing and deleting video and audio files to S3 directly from your Sanity studio.

Henrique Doro
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