Andy Fitzgerald
Information Architect & Content Strategist
Create and manage SKOS compliant taxonomies, thesauri, and classification schemes in Sanity Studio.
![]() |
For full documentation, visit
and skosConceptScheme
In your Sanity project folder, run
npm i sanity-plugin-taxonomy-manager
yarn add sanity-plugin-taxonomy-manager
Add the plugin to your project configuration to add the Taxonomy Manager Tool to your studio workspace.
// sanity.config.js
import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {structureTool} from 'sanity/structure'
import {taxonomyManager} from 'sanity-plugin-taxonomy-manager'
import {schemaTypes} from './schemas'
export default defineConfig({
name: 'default',
title: 'Sanity Studio',
projectId: '<projectId>',
dataset: 'production',
plugins: [
// Include the taxonomy manager plugin
// Optional: Set a Base URI to use for new concepts & concept schemes
baseUri: '',
// Optional: Use `customConceptFields` and `customSchemeFields` keys to add custom fields to Concept or Concept Scheme document types
customConceptFields: [
name: 'sameAs',
title: 'Same As',
type: 'url',
'Specify a fully qualified IRI that identifies the same concept in another vocabulary',
schema: {
types: schemaTypes,
The plugin adds skosConcept
and skosConceptScheme
document types to your studio. Use a filter on documentTypeListItems
in the desk tool configuration to exclude taxonomy manager document types from your main document view.
// sanity.config.js
import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {structureTool} from 'sanity/structure'
import {taxonomyManager} from 'sanity-plugin-taxonomy-manager'
import {schemaTypes} from './schemas'
export default defineConfig({
name: 'default',
title: 'Sanity Studio',
projectId: '<projectId>',
dataset: 'production',
plugins: [
structure: (S) =>
(listItem) => !['skosConcept', 'skosConceptScheme'].includes(listItem.getId())
schema: {
types: schemaTypes,
Community collaboration is highly encouraged. To make sure your contributions are aligned with project goals and principles, please read the contributing docs before submitting a pull request.
This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit with default configuration for build & watch scripts.
See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio on how to run the plugin with hot-reload in the studio.
The following diagrams map out the relationships between the components used in this plugin and are intended to help those interested in contributing to the project orient themselves. The Taxonomy Manager tree view is designed to support polyhierarchy, and to provide UI affordances common to other taxonomy management tools, both of which lend some complexity to the component structure.
[!TIP] You do not need to understand any of this to use the plugin!
The Tree View component creates the user interface for interacting with a given taxonomy (SKOS Concept Scheme) visually in the Sanity Structure tool.
graph BT subgraph SchemeContext.Provider direction BT Hierarchy.tsx-->TreeView.tsx subgraph TreeContext.Provider direction BT TreeStructure.tsx-->Hierarchy.tsx TopConcepts.tsx[ TopConcepts.tsx <i style="color: gray; font-size: small">uses SchemeContext</i> <i style="color: gray; font-size: small">uses TreeContext</i> ]-->TreeStructure.tsx Orphans.tsx[ Orphans.tsx <i style="color: gray; font-size: small">uses SchemeContext</i> <i style="color: gray; font-size: small">uses TreeContext</i> ]-->TreeStructure.tsx %% Sequence below maintains RTL ordering: ConceptDetailLink.tsx-->TopConcepts.tsx ConceptDetailLink.tsx-->Orphans.tsx ChildConcepts.tsx-->TopConcepts.tsx ChildConcepts.tsx-->Orphans.tsx Children.tsx-->ChildConcepts.tsx ConceptDetailDialogue.tsx-->Orphans.tsx ConceptDetailDialogue.tsx-->TopConcepts.tsx ConceptDetailLink.tsx-->Children.tsx ConceptDetailDialogue.tsx-->Children.tsx end end
MIT © Andy Fitzgerald See LICENSE
npm i sanity-plugin-taxonomy-manager
yarn add sanity-plugin-taxonomy-manager@1.0.5
Information Architect & Content Strategist