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Localization with Sanity

You want to create an international website by either translating content from one language to others or publishing content that is only relevant to a specific locale. Let's see how we achieve that with Sanity.

This is an external link at:tinloof.com
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SEO best practices on Sanity

When we build a website with Sanity, we configure SEO best practices to rank higher on search engine result pages.

This is an external link at:tinloof.com
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Backup your Sanity dataset with GitHub Actions

A short and sweet post explaining how to create a GitHub Workflow to automatically backup a Sanity dataset on a regular interval.

This is an external link at:kittygiraudel.com
Kitty Giraudel
Go to Backup your Sanity dataset with GitHub Actions

International Content with Sanity Portable Text

In this article, I explain how to customize the Portable Text editor to support localized text (as recommended by WCAG SC 3.1.2 and ATAG B2.1.1).

This is an external link at:kittygiraudel.com
Kitty Giraudel
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Rendering PortableText from scratch

A walkthrough of my thought process for creating a PortableText component for Svelte with 0 dependencies.

This is an external link at:hdoro.dev
Henrique Doro
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Simple access management with Sanity

In this article, we will see how to customize the studio based on default roles, something that is possible with all Sanity plans.

This is an external link at:kittygiraudel.com
Kitty Giraudel
Go to Simple access management with Sanity

Webpack aliases with Sanity

In this article, we will see how to enable Webpack/Next.js aliases in a Sanity project.

This is an external link at:kittygiraudel.com
Kitty Giraudel
Go to Webpack aliases with Sanity