Browsing Content How You Want with Structure Builder
How to make content more browseable using the Structure Builder API for Sanity Studio‘s Desk Tool
Go to Browsing Content How You Want with Structure BuilderHow to make content more browseable using the Structure Builder API for Sanity Studio‘s Desk Tool
Go to Browsing Content How You Want with Structure BuilderWhether you're a champion at building schemas or a complete novice, this top tip (in our opinion) has helped us simplify our schema workflow
A quick reference guide to creating a “singleton” type document in Sanity v3
Go to Create a Singleton Document Type in Sanity V3Whether it's a page builder you're looking to create, or an article with authors, read time etc. We've got the starting point for you with this Sanity schema tips and tricks.
A basic guide on integrating Stable Diffusion into Sanity Studio
We try and help by breaking down important aspects to look for when choosing an agency for building a Sanity CMS powered website/webapp.
Get your articles looking slick with open graph images generated on the fly (like the one on here)
This Guide will lead you through the all the steps you need to level-up your use of Portable Text: from setting up block content, adding custom blocks and renderers for the Portable Text Editor in your studio. But also help you query for everything and render your awesome content in React!
Go to Adding things to Portable Text - From block content schema to React componentEnrich your content and add inline blocks to your Portable Text Editor. This guide takes you from schema to query output
Go to Add Inline blocks for the Portable Text EditorWe break down the latest V3 terms into bite-sized laymen's chunks
This guide teaches how to add a custom input component to a field for Sanity Studio v3
Go to How to build an input component for Sanity Studio v3Integrating a media manager into Sanity Studio so that your users can upload and link files in the PortableText content editor.
Leverage Netlify Scheduled Functions to automate tasks.
Leveraging Sanity to manage and process images and videos.
We use Sanity to build fast websites that rank on the Google search engine and attract users. A/B testing is a great way to find out what content fits better with your target users, so integrating it on Sanity is a great way to test your content with real users before going live with them.
At Tinloof, we aim to create websites that retain users, and tracking their interactions is key to making that happen. We’ll explain in this article the analytics possibilities with Sanity and how we make them possible in our projects.
Sanity is a content platform that is used to unify, structure, and deliver the content of an organization. We regularly use it as a headless CMS for our clients to control the content and layout of their websites, whose frontend is usually built with a framework like Remix or Next.js.
Even though we like Contentful and still use it in some of our projects if it’s the client's preference, Sanity is our headless CMS solution of choice. In this article, we'll explain 5 reasons why we prefer Sanity.