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Publishing showcase projects


Graphic designer website built with Gatsby, Sanity, Netlify and Shopify

Mantas Mikalauskas


A sample portfolio to learn more about Sanity.io and GROQ

Sara Gray
Go to Portfolio


A CMS to power a content-driven virtual camera app

Annie Pennell
Go to Mmhmm

Why Mums Don't Jump

Podcast website, plus blog and custom player. Built with Gatsby with a custom source plugin for TransistorFM.

Paul Brickles
Go to Why Mums Don't Jump

Mikkeller Beer Celebration

Mobile app and website for the Mikkeller Beer Celebration (MBCC) craft beer festival, with user-contributed beer ratings, news and Untappd integration.

Go to Mikkeller Beer Celebration

Agricultural Robotics

I designed and developed the front-end with Gatsby and the backend with Sanity for the website of GOFAR, Global Organization For Agricultural Robotics.

Johann Lesacher
Go to Agricultural Robotics

Circumference Books

Circumference Books is a press for publishing books of poetry in facing-page translation. The back end is built on Sanity.

Dan Visel
Go to Circumference Books


The OMA Web Presence is realized as an incongruous macroscope interlacing sprawling, omnivorous modes of discovery with rational, drill-down archival interfaces.

Go to OMA.EU

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