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Apis showcase projects

Telegram bot list

A curated list of Telegram bots to help make your life easier.

Faraz Patankar
Go to Telegram bot list

Why Mums Don't Jump

Podcast website, plus blog and custom player. Built with Gatsby with a custom source plugin for TransistorFM.

Paul Brickles
Go to Why Mums Don't Jump

Portfolio of Ryan Sheehan

I am a 22 year old web developer, creative technologist, and designer currently living in Somerville, MA. I wanted an easy, standardized way to add new projects to my portfolio without having to go back into the code and Sanity worked perfectly. My site is built with Next.js and makes use of Sanity on every single page.

Ryan Sheehan
Go to Portfolio of Ryan Sheehan

Mikkeller Beer Celebration

Mobile app and website for the Mikkeller Beer Celebration (MBCC) craft beer festival, with user-contributed beer ratings, news and Untappd integration.

Go to Mikkeller Beer Celebration

CO2 Neutral Website

Building a nev version of a digital product with Next.js/Vercel and Sanity

Go to CO2 Neutral Website

Data Hackers

Website for the biggest data science community in Latin America

Henrique Doro
Go to Data Hackers

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