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Sanity Exchange

The Agnes
- Made with Sanity

A high end rental real estate site built with Gatsby, Sanity and Shopify that pulls in listing data via API and includes a headless Shopify shop.

David Gross
Go to The Agnes

- Made with Sanity

Recipes.co.nz: Bringing excitement and pride to the kiwi kitchen

Go to Recipes.co.nz

Eugenie Detroit
- Made with Sanity

Eugenie is a Detroit-based women’s boutique that is centered in sustainable fashion.

Lucas Vocos
Go to Eugenie Detroit

Telegram bot list
- Made with Sanity

A curated list of Telegram bots to help make your life easier.

Faraz Patankar
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Group documents by year
- Schema

How to group documents by their publishedAt year using the Structure Builder API

Rune Botten
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