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Answers from the community

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Troubleshooting reference fields in a Next.js Landing page template14May 2, 2020
Error when Removing Document Type from the Schema7May 1, 2020
Deleting a type A document caused an error when trying to remove type B from the schema.11May 1, 2020
Examples of customized dashboards/admin pages and the queryable feature of Portable Text.9May 1, 2020
Trouble querying content with 11ty31May 1, 2020
Using Gatsby's Schema Customization APIs with @gatsby-contrib/gatsby-plugin-elasticlunr-search and resolving referencesin...5May 1, 2020
Creating draft documents in Sanity client via mutation8Apr 30, 2020
Learning to create custom Sanity Desk components with tutorial videos and guides10Apr 30, 2020
Drag and drop ordering of content in Sanity.io discussed in Slack thread.8Apr 30, 2020
Drag and drop ordering of content in Sanity.io discussed, with suggestions for implementation.7Apr 30, 2020
Querying draft content with GraphQL API in Sanity.io4Apr 29, 2020
GraphQL API - Is it Possible to Fetch Draft Content (For Previews)3Apr 29, 2020
Trouble passing environment variables in Sanity Studio4Apr 29, 2020
Discussion on defining custom URL routes in Svelte/Sapper and Next with Sanity's Next.js starter.6Apr 29, 2020
Issue with GraphQL API deployment causing build failure7Apr 29, 2020
How to Make Referenced Objects Inlined in a Query22Apr 28, 2020
Troubleshooting GraphQL API authentication with Axios in Slack thread6Apr 28, 2020
Browsing raw data and wiping all data in a Sanity instance discussed.8Apr 28, 2020