Sanity Exchange

Go API client
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

API client for Go projects (under development)

Go to Go API client

How To Make A Speech Synthesis Editor
- Guide

Official(made by Sanity team)

Learn how to make a What You Get Is What You Hear (WYGIWYH) editor for speech synthesis using’s editor for Portable Text.

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Knut Melvær
Go to How To Make A Speech Synthesis Editor

Deploying Sanity Studio with Vercel
- Guide

Official(made by Sanity team)

This guide will walk you through how to deploy Sanity Studio with Vercel in three simple steps.

This is an external link
Knut Melvær
Go to Deploying Sanity Studio with Vercel

Asset source for Cloudinary
- Tool

Studio v2

Browse and import images from your Cloudinary account to your Sanity Studio

Go to Asset source for Cloudinary

Asset source for Unsplash
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Search photos on Unsplash and insert them directly inside of your Sanity Studio.

Go to Asset source for Unsplash

Content Model Graph
- Tool

Studio v2

Instant graph for your content model in your Sanity Studio.

Cameron Chamberlain
Go to Content Model Graph

Google Analytics
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)
Studio v2

Integrate Google Analytics charts to your Dashboard, in document views, or in custom input components.

Go to Google Analytics

How to query JSON docs in the Terminal with GROQ
- Guide

Official(made by Sanity team)

JSON docs are everywhere, but they’re rarely structured the way you want it. Learn to use GROQ in the CLI to get JSON doc data into the shape you need it.

This is an external link
Magnus Holm
Go to How to query JSON docs in the Terminal with GROQ

Gatsby source plugin
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Source plugin for pulling content from into Gatsby websites.

Go to Gatsby source plugin

GROQ: ESlint plugin
- Tool

ESlint plugin for GROQ queries tagged with the function exported from the groq package on npm.

Go to GROQ: ESlint plugin

Internationalization input
- Tool

Studio v2

Cleaner UI for creating translatable documents as the translation is managed across multiple fields.

Go to Internationalization input