Create a copy of an object and change a key-value pair - Schema
Sometimes you need to change only one key-value-pair in your data, this is how you can do it in 2 lines
Go to Create a copy of an object and change a key-value pairSometimes you need to change only one key-value-pair in your data, this is how you can do it in 2 lines
Go to Create a copy of an object and change a key-value pairOkay, well it might be at least in the top 3. Using getDimensions and optimising the hell out of your images, check out this snippet
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Learn how to create a page builder from structured content that can withstand the test of time and redesigns.
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Go to Setting up Tailwind with Vue.jsJahidul Islam - Developer, writer, and creator.
Go to xahidex.comInfer Sanity Document Types from Sanity Schemas
Go to @sanity-typed/typesgroq-js with typed GROQ Results
Go to @sanity-typed/groq-jsGenerate Zod Schemas from Sanity Schemas
Go to @sanity-typed/zod@sanity/client with typed GROQ Results
Go to @sanity-typed/clientGenerate Mock Data from Sanity Schemas
Go to @sanity-typed/fakerMock @sanity-typed/client for local development and testing
Go to @sanity-typed/client-mockA mission based approach to research and develop solutions to complex, real world problems.
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