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3 GitHub tools

Sanity Seo Plugin

The sanity-plugin-seo Plugin is designed to simplify the process of generating SEO fields for various types of content.

Bhargav Patel
Go to Sanity Seo Plugin

Taxonomy Manager

Create and manage SKOS compliant taxonomies, thesauri, and classification schemes in Sanity Studio.

Andy Fitzgerald
Go to Taxonomy Manager


A multi-tag input for sanity studio. Fully featured with autocomplete capabilities, live updates, predefined tag options, style and component customizability, and much more.

P Christopher Bowers
Go to Tags

6 GitHub guides

How to build a Portfolio Site with Sanity and Next.js

Learn how to build a portfolio site with Sanity and Next.js 13 and also explore how to setup GROQ-powered webhooks for deployment

This is an external link at:www.freecodecamp.org
Victor Eke
Go to How to build a Portfolio Site with Sanity and Next.js

Self-Hosting Sanity Studio with GitHub Actions

A comprehensive guide to self-hosting Sanity Studio on DreamHost with GitHub Actions for continuous integration.

This is an external link at:www.andyfitzgeraldconsulting.com
Andy Fitzgerald
Go to Self-Hosting Sanity Studio with GitHub Actions

47 GitHub projects made with Sanity

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A sleek and fast personal website built with SvelteKit 5, Sanity.io and Tailwind CSS 4, showcasing a full range of web design and development services alongside recent projects.

Jason Wang
Go to pixelmate.au


"WOODME: Crafting Digital Experiences with Sanity's Headless CMS"

Oliwier Sellig