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Community contributions

11ty Sanity Image Helper
- Tool

An 11ty plugin to help create responsive images using the Sanity Asset Pipeline

Bryan Robinson
Go to 11ty Sanity Image Helper

- Tool

Easily leverage the power of Sanity's image API from React-based environments like Gatsby.

Corey Ward
Go to gatsby-plugin-sanity-image

- Made with Sanity

JAMStack website leveraging Gatsby, Sanity, Netlify, React, Framer Motion, and Emotion (among others)

Corey Ward
Go to Secondmind

- Made with Sanity

CBD Wellness brand with a focus on editorial and complex product modularity

Kevin Green
Go to Prima

- Made with Sanity

Website for data scraping consultancy based in Brazil

Henrique Doro
Go to Crawly

- Made with Sanity

Website for a marketing agency that helps women-owned businesses

Henrique Doro
Go to Compoá

Sanity snippets for VS Code
- Tool

Speed up your Sanity.io development with snippets tailored for building schemas, queries and desk structures ✨

Henrique Doro
Go to Sanity snippets for VS Code

Data Hackers
- Made with Sanity

Website for the biggest data science community in Latin America

Henrique Doro
Go to Data Hackers

Live preview changes to React websites with Sanity
- Guide

Make your editors' lives easier with a simple-to-setup live preview for their CMS with any website built using a framework like React, Vue or Svelte

This is an external link at:henrique.codes
Henrique Doro
Go to Live preview changes to React websites with Sanity