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Community contributions

Breaks for Portable Text
- Schema

How to add different types of “breaks” for Portable Text that can be translated to horizontal rules, “read more”, sections, chapters, and so on.

Knut Melvær
Go to Breaks for Portable Text

The Agnes
- Made with Sanity

A high end rental real estate site built with Gatsby, Sanity and Shopify that pulls in listing data via API and includes a headless Shopify shop.

David Gross
Go to The Agnes

- Made with Sanity

Recipes.co.nz: Bringing excitement and pride to the kiwi kitchen

Go to Recipes.co.nz

Eugenie Detroit
- Made with Sanity

Eugenie is a Detroit-based women’s boutique that is centered in sustainable fashion.

Lucas Vocos
Go to Eugenie Detroit

Telegram bot list
- Made with Sanity

A curated list of Telegram bots to help make your life easier.

Faraz Patankar
Go to Telegram bot list

Group documents by year
- Schema

How to group documents by their publishedAt year using the Structure Builder API

Rune Botten
Go to Group documents by year