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Official contributions

Clean Next.js + Sanity app
- Template

Official(made by Sanity team)

Next.js app with Visual Editing and Live Content API for blazing-fast page updates.

Go to Clean Next.js + Sanity app

Language Filter
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Helpful user interface for filtering localized fields by language

Go to Language Filter

Blog with Built-in Content Editing
- Template

Official(made by Sanity team)

A Sanity-powered blog with built-in content editing and instant previews.

Go to Blog with Built-in Content Editing

Hotspot array
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Associate arrays with hotspots on any image

Go to Hotspot array

Google Maps input
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Use geo-related input types using Google Maps.

Espen Hovlandsdal
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Document Internationalization
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Create unique translations of a document based on its language, joined by a shared reference document

Go to Document Internationalization

Scheduled Publishing
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Schedule your content for future publication and organize upcoming releases – no custom tasks or serverless functions required!

Go to Scheduled Publishing

PortableText to React
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Render PortableText content in React

Espen Hovlandsdal
Go to PortableText to React

PortableText to Svelte
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Render Portable Text block content with Svelte components.

Henrique Doro
Go to PortableText to Svelte

Orderable Document List
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Drag-and-drop Document Ordering without leaving the Editing surface

Simeon Griggs
Go to Orderable Document List

Google Translate
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

Machine translations from Google Translate directly in your Sanity Studio

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Transifex Plugin
- Tool

Official(made by Sanity team)

A studio tool to send and retrieve translated documents from Transifex!

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