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Answers from the community about Plugins

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Adding HTML to a document in Sanity using client.create() function and HTML to Portable Text Field plugin.25Nov 1, 2021
Discussion on how to access grandparent object in Sanity.io using GROQ24Oct 29, 2021
GraphQL - Is there a Way to Get the Image Metadata From an Image Component?11Oct 29, 2021
Discussion on how to display star ratings from a Sanity plugin on a Gatsby site12Oct 23, 2021
Handling timezones in Sanity.io richDate fields10Oct 20, 2021
Error with @sanity/desk-tool/structure-builder resolved by using S.list instead of importing directly8Oct 13, 2021
Best approach for retrieving translations when running groq queries from the frontend9Oct 4, 2021
Bulk uploading images into Sanity using the Media plugin and drag-and-drop feature.19Oct 1, 2021
Error with schema when used inside blockContent in Sanity Studio16Sep 26, 2021
Embedding Sanity Studio on a subroute of a website and injecting project IDs at runtime16Sep 23, 2021
Clarification on configuring the calendar integration in Sanity.io.15Sep 16, 2021
Implementing Next.js Sanity Image using a Blurred Placeholder with Sanity as a Loader12Sep 16, 2021
Querying Mux video data in Sanity project with React frontend.10Sep 11, 2021
How to get referenced document attributes in a custom block serializer28Sep 9, 2021
How to Create Grid or Table Components for Portable Text7Sep 8, 2021
Setting the logo icon based on the current dataset using environment variables in Sanity Studio.6Sep 7, 2021
How to securely store the Mapbox API token with the Leaflet.js map input plugin.14Sep 6, 2021
File type in Sanity.io currently does not support using an existing document, but it will be available in the next release...12Aug 26, 2021