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Answers from the community about GROQ

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Querying array of references in Sanity schema and resolving null values11Jan 30, 2021
Create an Array With Two Types - Mixing Primitive Types23Jan 29, 2021
Uploading an image as an asset from a URL and using createIfNotExists and createOrReplace in the Sanity API.14Jan 27, 2021
Help with filtering posts by tag in GROQ and React13Jan 22, 2021
Hey! We're fetching responsive images from <http://cdn.sanity.io|cdn.sanity.io> using `@sanity/image-url` to generate query...2Jan 21, 2021
Error - Invalid Response from Upstream Server7Jan 19, 2021
Issue with authorization token in GROQ requests during Next.js build.12Jan 12, 2021
Hello! Is there any reason I would get different results between these two methods of querying data? ```curl <https://xuaf19yr.api.sanity.i...9Jan 12, 2021
How to Create a Sitemap when using Next.js10Jan 8, 2021
Am I right in thinking that it isn’t currently possible to query a random document, or X random documents, of a given type...14Jan 8, 2021
What’s the best way to construct GROQ query dynamically in JavaScript? Is there a sort of way to construct it in objects...6Jan 7, 2021
Is there an easy way to get the reference data in a deeply nested component? I have a list of different components, some...4Jan 6, 2021
is it possible to filter child elements in a query? e.g. in the query below I’d like to return only documents where `deleted...9Jan 4, 2021
Is it possible to have a `type: array`, of more than one entry for `type: reference` ? I kept getting an error that pointed...13Dec 31, 2020
Bidirectional references and custom input components for managing many-to-many relationships in Sanity13Dec 31, 2020
Help needed with expanding and filtering content objects in a GROQ query.4Dec 30, 2020
Hi, anyone able to help with a relationship thing? I have several schemas set up, like, Country, County, and Business,each...3Dec 29, 2020
is the `match` query operator case-sensitive? i.e. is ```*[text match "word"] ``` === ```*[text match "wORd"] ``` ?3Dec 28, 2020