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Answers from the community about Schema

Some of the conversations between community members on questions, suggestions and tips for using Sanity. Join our Slack to be a part of it.

TopicCategoriesFeaturedRepliesLast Updated
Problems with locale fields Working with localization, and first tried the intl-plugin, but couldn't get it to work, so...5Jan 27, 2021
Getting Uncaught Error cannot create property ‘validation’ on string ‘string’ when I have fields property as well as a validation...2Jan 17, 2021
I’m experiencing an error when trying to deploy `sanity graphql deploy` and getting this error point towards a node_module ```import...18Jan 16, 2021
Issue with untitled references in Sanity schema resolved with upgrade to v2.1.639Jan 15, 2021
Array of References Showing as Untitled When New References Added37Jan 15, 2021
The `sanity-plugin-mux-input` has stopped working, and our customer is now completely unable to add new content (as thewhole...17Jan 13, 2021
Bug with focus in the studio when clicking on certain fields in a complex schema.15Jan 8, 2021
Bug with focus in the studio when clicking on certain fields in a complex schema.12Jan 8, 2021
Post retrieval on my index page10Jan 1, 2021
Is it possible to have a `type: array`, of more than one entry for `type: reference` ? I kept getting an error that pointed...13Dec 31, 2020
I can't find the edit button to edit the image... can someone help?6Dec 31, 2020
Bidirectional references and custom input components for managing many-to-many relationships in Sanity13Dec 31, 2020
Hi everyone. I'm new to using Sanity and having a bit of an issue with local development, and wondering if someone is able...9Dec 29, 2020
Hi, I need help with Iframe preview, I have a `route` schema with unique `slug` (`/lb/123`) and also I have `page` schema...10Dec 21, 2020
How to upload and get URLs for multiple images in Sanity, and add captions to individual images.11Dec 18, 2020
How to Enable Multi-Select for Image Upload11Dec 18, 2020
Managing order of displayed items in Sanity.io using defaultOrdering and individual schema ordering.7Dec 16, 2020
I’m hoping to use Sanity as an earlier part of our design and prototyping workflow. Are there any techniques or plugins...8Dec 15, 2020